GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I’m old

Maybe he rewatched The Wire season 2 too often?

I would find avoiding black people extremely difficult to impossible given how many black people I interact with regularly.

Never did like Dilbert even before his Trump slobber. Just anecdotal but often bad employees I had work for me would love Dilbert. Coincidence? Who knows.

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Math checks out, 6 billion illegals

This stuff has to be on purpose so it gets signal-boosted by the left.


6 billion people illegally crossed the border? WHERE ARE THEY! ARTRTRRTGHJJKKKKHHHHFFDDD

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I mean I’m pretty sure you’re exactly right and not a single one of those numbers is even close.

This is really funny. Ive been going through Knowledge fight from the beginning and one episode in 2017 had a whole section about Alex railing on about how cats are terrible, how they hate you and want to kill you (he was covering a story where some cats started to eat a lady who had a stroke and couldnt move) and how his wifes cat hates him and wont show him any love, unlike dogs who will give you their love no matter what.

It was an especially funny episode made even better with this reveal

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Things are going poorly for Dildo:


25 years ago i gifted a dilbert book to a friend. i have never regretted $20 more


Jus realize that the 90s sitcom News Radio introduced me to both Joe Rogan and Scott Adams. Show ahead of its time imo.


What did Adams have to do with News Radio?

He had a guest star experience when Matthew became obsessed with Dilbert.

GOAT sitcom.


The Scott Adams heel turn hit me a bit. I enjoyed Dilbert. He said he got a lot of ideas from readers, so maybe that’s how he stayed somewhat in touch with the managerial incompetence rampant in the corporate world. I used to read his blog regularly over a decade ago, and generally agreed with a lot of his takes on the business/tech industries.

I sort of expected him to have a bit of a libertarian side, many people like him do. Whatever, I can deal with that. Him going full on white nationalist though is not something I would’ve seen coming. I guess at the end of the day he’s just another aggrieved aging white guy that sees the world changing and feels like he’s losing something as a result, and decided to lash out. Fuck him.


Thanks. I did like Newsradio quite a bit, but I probably didn’t watch every episode. It’s possible I saw that one and just forgot it.

In the 90s and early 2000s Dilbert was perfectly fine for what is was - a very repetitive daily chuckle about the workplace. It certainly hit a nerve with all the people living through the absurdity of turn of the century corporate culture. The lampooning of the boss as being the out of touch incompetent male was arguably a form of Work Culture 25 years ahead of the curve, although Brain Worms Adams would never see it that way.

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My mother was an executive in the tech industry (CAD/CAM) in the 80s and 90s. Almost always the only woman around. She loved Dilbert.

Yes pretty ironic he didn’t understand what he was portraying in terms of gender roles.

Has someone come up with a comic that is basically Dilbert for people who like WFH?

i don’t think dilbert was bad. at least one animated episode still speaks to me with Silicon Valley poignancy. there was real zeitgeist for office comedy in the 90s, and it’s evolving as we speak.

it’s just that adams is the classic example of entitled white man with high income achieved by accident, starts to have delusions about his own opinions and ultimately reveals his inner id.