GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Not “fringe,” pretty much the face of the party calling for secession. Get her on Greenwald’s podcast!


So her home state will be part of the “Union,” I guess.

i do kinda want to read a well thought out thinkpiece about how these suggestions would turn out…

like the “WhErE would you get the food??1?” crowd is hilarious to me because i’d get it at the grocery store, the same as i got my food today. do they think they are going to nationalize the means of production?

how quickly do they tax cut and deregulate themselves into severe poverty?

Nah, Georgia is largely a Republican state. Big majorities in both state chambers. Governor’s office. The Senate will likely revert back to GOP control in short order.

You know she’s talking about Trump vs. Biden states, though, because that’s what everyone talks about when they say red vs. blue.

Georgia is a favorite to vote Trump in 2024.

I consider myself lucky I barely know who this dickhead even is.

Trust me, I know. I live here.

I don’t think MTG is volunteering to align her own state with the Blues.

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What should Biden do with President’s Day? Go hang out with former Presidents?

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He’s supposed to go to Ohio.

But if he was in Ohio, he would be supposed to be shooting down the incoming balloon. Or whatever.


The derposphere in Australia and the UK is getting mad because the new reprints of Roal Dalh books are taking out some of the language about kids being fat and ugly.

The actual British Prime Minister has got involved.

Well she should have waited until then. No take backs!

Can you imagine if each state had a vote to join the Red States or Blue States of America?

Giannis would try to pick New York for Team Blue, not realizing that state was already voted a starter.

Not a response to you, but worry that giving air to these cockamamie proposals that are never going to pass encourages them. Like, they get to advertise this stuff to excite the loons, but never have to deal with the consequences of following through.

C’mon be nice! This nutbag is a WoC!

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