GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

This whole thread is insane.


Replace Donny with Rupert/Tucker/Hannity etc


True and yet…

The Adventures of Tucker Carlson:

rages and tries to get Fox reporter Jacqui Heinrich fired after she admits the election wasn’t stolen.

repeatedly frets in text messages to his producer that Trump is a “demonic force” who could “destroy” him if Carlson missteps: “He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”

emerges in the the court filing as absolutely freaking out after the election— hearing from angry viewers and worrying that Fox calling AZ for Biden will kill his golden goose, while also afraid “fucking bitch” Sidney Powell has gone too far.

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I can totally picture a 79yo, bloodied Antonin Scalia stumbling from tree to tree for support in a dark forest, LL Bean lodgewear hanging off in torn ribbons, desperately trying to evade the spotlights and Polaris ATVs driven by armed tech CEOs


Additional detail about that wild email that led to a Powell Dominion segment w/ Bartiromo. “Powell’s source also explained that she gets her information from experiencing something “like time-travel in a semi-conscious state,” allowing her to “see what others don’t see”

This happened to me in college once when I ate too many of some weed cookies someone brought.

Is this actually possible? Dominion’s annual revenues are like $100M so they can’t claim anything like that in actual damages. I know there are huge punitive awards sometimes but it always seems like they get reduced to $3 on appeal.

The ONLY time rich white americans face consequences is when they fuck over other rich white americans.

In fact. You could argue that the whole system of laws and “democracy” was designed around this.



It depends on the state and the judge. Just look at Alex Jones Texas case - $4 million in actual damages but then $45 million in punitive.

A billion is probably high, but Dominion will have some expert show this had significant actual damages (claim that Dominion and electronic voting in general was growing and that these type of claims hurt Dominion specifically but also made states less likely to adopt electronic voting in general), and then with punitive damages who knows what jury will do - especially when the conduct this egregious.

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But why just the Navy?



It’s where you can find pleasure, search the world for treasure.


Between Santos and this and the Fox lawsuit, and I hardly need mention Trump, it’s almost like the whole GOP ecosystem is built around rewarding people for lying.

And there’s more!

We’re all just seamen looking for a home.


They should and I wonder why they didn’t? It’s only when it starts hitting bad actors on an individual level when this shit goes away

I think the issue is publication. In defamation you typically sue the person making the statements - here those statements were made by guests on Fox’s shows. You can also sue anyone that publishes those statements - i.e. Fox News.

I think though that the hosts are only liable for their own statements, and they will argue they were just allowing the guests to present their opinions but did not themselves make any defamatory statements. The hosts would be liable if they adopted their guests statements, but I’m not sure they did that here.

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police dogs are magic afterall… can’t let them become extinct like the unicorns.

Because even though he never actually served in the Navy, only in like the reserves or some shit, he walks around wearing a US Navy cap like he is a fucking admiral or something