GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

If you really believe that, then you perceive a world that is utterly foreign to the one I do and it must be filled with entirely different people. Because that’s insane. It makes me think you don’t understand anything about what truly motivates a person, or what is actually at stake for people who do transition.

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There is a letter to the editor of the NYT that has 200 NYT contributors signed on saying the NYT is guilty of it as well at the moment.

If I am being honest there was a time that I thought trans issues were stupid/unimportant/made up. I think a lot of that is that it is pretty hard as a cisgender to understand what it must feel like to be transgender. It’s also just ignorance and prejudice and obviously correlated to a time when most of my political views were pretty terrible.

When you see first hand what a transgender person goes through no one would just make it all up in order to compete in something as unimportant as college swimming and the like. Like you say it is a red herring used to politically charge the issue to the max and draw in people from the left to agree with them. So I have to assume that most people with terrible views on this issue know no one (that they know of) that is transgender. That or they have absolutely no empathy for whatever reason.


It matters for you to speak up.

People like me see what you say.

I appreciate you.


But even if there was some dude out there who wanted to go through all that just to be a top-level player in the WNBA or LPGA or whatever, who fucking cares? The number of guys that would be willing to do that has to be vanishingly small. It reminds me of the arguments people get into over whether people can choose to be gay or not. The whole thing is just completely irrelevant to the bigger picture of treating gay people with respect and dignity as equal members of society. Just as whether allowing trans women to compete in female sports is completely irrelevant to their right to have an equal place in society.

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The old straw man itt.

Same to you.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable or safe talking to someone who holds your positions, but if you are sincerely interested in expanding your empathy for people who are not an extension of you and your experience of gender, here are a couple of things for you to read.

This is my memoir collection.

Two of my most recent articles.

For a slightly older story that gets into a lot more about the fucked up and thoroughly debunked concepts driving the positions that even well-intentioned people continue to hold about trans, intersex, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people, please read the book As Nature Made Him by John Colapinto.

The below is just me having a wtf at a genuinely weird coincidence about me sharing a birthday with these other pairs of twins.

Anyway, as I said, not an invitation for a response or discussion after the things you’ve said and your current positions.

My hope is that by you putting your bigoted positions like this out into the world, the feedback you receive will help you acknowledge and take responsibility for the harmful and abusive impact posts like yours have toward not just women like me, but anyone who has any identifiable transgender or gender non-conforming experience or medical history.



I’ve decided to transition so I can enter the women’s poker events. I’ve already got the moobs, so this should go pretty easy.

I kind of want to have sex with you and I am mostly heteroish. If that helps your case I can sign an affidavit or something.

$215? Isn’t crime supposed to pay off?

Not if you’re a dipshit nazi apparently.

Can you expand on this?

Are you really saying that your support for trans people (who you agree are being bullied by bigots on the right) has declined because people challenged you on a discussion board?

Do you think that is reasonable or moral?


Wait so it was all a grift?!?!

No way!


Lots of extracts from the doc in the tweet comments.


Are they suing the fox hosts personally as well?

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Wow that is all very embarrassing for Fox News. I don’t see how they survive after this!


They legit could lose a billion dollars in this lawsuit. Really depends on the jury as I’m guessing there is a good chance judge grants summary judgement on liability.

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Wow this will be a BOMBSHELL when it reaches all those people who get all their news from FoxNews.