GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Just shitting on other people is hilarious to a lot of folk. For reference listen to most juveniles.

we got him?

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Lol. Santos could be in his like 5th term in Congress and they will still write articles calling him “embattled”.

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Whether it’s George Santos and Millions of dollars in campaign funds, or AOC claiming Hispanic-Caribbean Descent when her family is from Puerto Rico (An American Territory), both sides of the aisle have some issues with mishandling Appropriations these days.

-New York Times in 2029


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I really shouldn’t watch stuff like that. The rage/sadness/fear combo makes my head feel like it’s going to explode.


Thank you for saying so it makes me feel safer


The bullying is the point.


Yup. This is still one of my most popular articles on it. Uses a lot from George Lakoff, who I believe I first heard about from someone here.

Your father keeps a careful list of each helpful item. Not to help you, but to identify what you can never have. Getting those things would make you more yourself, and that can never happen. Not when that true self doesn’t conform to what would be best for everyone.

The Strict Father must now use discipline and punishment to ensure you never have access to what makes you feel more like anything other than what you’re supposed to be.

In time, the pain of disobedience will teach you to stop reaching for wholeness. Your wholeness just leads to a Strict Father’s cruelty.

That cruelty will stop — they promise — as soon as we accept our place and learn to obey.


The trans legal landscape is really terrifying imo because a lot of the left just does not care(or has not bothered to attempt to understand the issue). I have recently started going to a few meetings organizing to support trans/trans youth here in Oklahoma and reaching out to state legislators(which I honestly feel is hopeless but sending off a few emails takes almost zero effort) and the whole thing is just heartbreaking. That being said I’m not sure the fact 90% of the left doing nothing to mobilize against the wave of anti trans bills is much better than the actual nazis on the other side putting this stuff into place with almost no pushback. There are not a lot of people who are not directly affected by these issues doing much about it.

These bills are going to pass in Florida and Oklahoma and Arkansas and elsewhere and likely no one will care.


Probably not but I don’t really see much outrage either. Lots of people I know who are lefties just frankly don’t care about the issue beyond saying “that’s bad”. And trans individuals are a relatively small minority who can’t really get much momentum going on their own.

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Yeah the part that ironically makes it tougher is that the end goal for most trans people is to simply blend in and go stealth, so by their own choosing they can’t go and be that ‘ambassador’ for their group once they’ve finished transitioning. Also makes it seem like an even smaller minority group than it actually is.


They can’t quite fully call all gays pedophiles (at least not as successfully as in Anita Bryant’s day) so now it’s the trans.



A few months back I popped over to the trans thread with a legit question my sister and I had been discussing. I was promptly told that my sister was a moron etc. not gonna win many over that way, and I am on your side.

Coming from complete specific ignorance, but generically sometimes it is possible to want to be an advocate and think you are being an advocate but in fact you are not- at least in the view of the people you want to help.

Take the feedback- try to find a more private one-on-one approach and find why you weren’t received as you expected or more simply just ask, “I’d like to help but I’m not sure how”.

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That’s kinda my point, I took the feedback and now I am LESS inclined to give a shit.

On his way into Arizona, Customs and Border Patrol agents discovered 15 kilograms of fentanyl pills hidden behind the seats and floor compartment of his 2019 Nissan Pathfinder.

According to law enforcement records, Von Nukem quickly admitted that he had been paid 4,000 Mexican pesos (around $215) to smuggle the pills into the country.

Apparently he has 5 kids under 9 years old. Sucks for them but they have to be better off in the long run with this POS out of their lives.

After all we have seen people do to excell at sports, steroids and all the rest, if trans women are allowed to compete with gender born women, men will transition just to gain an edge and be ranked higher in thier field, especially if there is monetary rewards.

This was your comment, right? I just want to be clear this is what we’re talking about, before responding. This is your opinion?


Not the comment I was referring to, but that one is mine as well, I think