GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

my wife has worked at 1 or 2 companies with unlimited PTO. At least one of the companies had people taking 2 or 3 week vacations, they basically wouldn’t deny a request unless it was over 3 weeks.

I get 3-4 weeks a year but with my old boss i had a pretty good gig, if i was just taking a day here or there I wouldn’t put in PTO i’d save that for actually longer trips. Now i can’t get away with that.


Well, I suppose that, eventually, you run out of other people’s money.

When my wife told me about her company going to unlimited PTO I said take next month off let’s go on vacation. She said no it has to be manger approved and “reasonable.” They keep track and other stipulations. Hahaha that’s not unlimited PTO!

I have come up with a good idea for my company. Decent salary and bonus incentives. I will offer 8weeks mandatory time off, however you can voluntarily work during this time. Wink wink

Unlimited PTO is a total scam. I got paid a giant chunk of unused vacation twice at my last company (once when it was bought out, and once when I left). And I’m going to be due 300 hours or something when I leave the university I’m at now. And I still take pretty good vacations.

This is my belief as well. Vacation rights for workers should be protected by a clear, structured program that managers can’t manipulate. My faith is unstructured PTO being implemented fairly is approximately 0%, and in the scenarios I can imagine where unstructured PTO would work I think that structured PTO would work just fine as well. I work at a large company with a rigid vacation structure (I get X days per year and I am required to take them and I am required to enter them into Workday where they’re tracked literally to the hour, like if I take Monday off I have to enter in the system that I am taking 7.5 hours of vacation). Even so, I get my shit done and my manager is not an asshole and so a lot of the time if I want to take the day off and not call it formal “vacation” I just do that. Our team could work with unstructured PTO, but we don’t have to. And the structure means that if I am not getting to take my time off the system starts to ring alarm bells.

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Is PTO just making workers make up for sick days by taking less vacation time?

My wife is starting a new job soon and one of the offers she rejected included unlimited PTO. She read that people who get unlimited tend to take less PTO because they are afraid of looking like they are taking advantage of the company, which makes sense.

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For various reasons I used to prefer taking short vacations (i.e., 3-day weekends) to real time off.

If you’re accruing PTO at 160hrs/yr with a max bank of 160hrs, you can take every other Friday off for more than 3 years before running out.

I considered this a pretty decent life hack but most others seemed to think I was an idiot.

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3-day weekends aren’t conspicuous consumption.

This is fascinating but idk what it has to do with gop insanity


If you take a 3 day weekend you’re doing the same amount of work just in 4 days.

If you take a 2 week break, your workload needs to go to someone else or not happen.


It started with something about Republicans wanting to raise the retirement age and people discussing whether that’s okay if you give people less stressful work hours with more time off.

I’m in a different situation than most here I’m guessing. Have a blue collar type job represented by a union. We accrue 8 hours of sick leave a month and 80 hours of vacation a year. 120 hours after 5 years, 160 after 11, 200 after 19 and 240 after 25.

Can bank up to 3x what you accrue, so initially can bank 240 hours of vacation any more than that would be forfeited. (Vacation accrues Jan 1 each year and is based on hours worked. Part time people would gain less vacation but would also cost less to take a week.) Can gain extra vacation by banking holidays. If you work a holiday you get paid at 2.5x that day, can choose to get paid straight time instead and bank the extra 1.5 towards the next years vacation. 10 holidays so could potentially bank an extra 150 hours of vacation a year if you are able to work all the holidays as we mostly have 4/10 shifts.

We bid on vacation each October for the following year. Where I work there are around 35 employees and there are 3 slots available each week The summer gets taken by the high seniority guys but the rest of the year usually has availability unless you are at the bottom but there are enough weeks made available for everyone to use up their vacation if they want.

Any saved vacation gets paid out when you leave the company, fired, resign or retire it doesn’t matter. Sick leave caps out at 1650 hours and is only paid out at 25% only if you retire. A lot people end up getting various surgeries or procedures done before they retire to use up their sick leave.


For the most part that’s not how it works with a project-based job like computer programming. Your work is still waiting for you when you get back.

And if you don’t answer at least some emails on your vacation, you risk a confusion brush fire turning into a full blown forest fire, which ultimately will cause much more work for you in the long run. At least from my experience.


This is the law in California. It’s great, and really makes unlimited PTO a much shittier option.

My company just switched to unlimited pto for this year and people that work for me in Louisiana got paid out for their banked days but ones in mississippi and like me in Alabama did not because they just go by state law, I didn’t have much banked so no big to me

Take Monday off instead. Friday is the best day to actually get work done—much less meetings, idiots are taking the day off…

I assume that woman is wearing wicked witch stockings intentionally. Like “haha aren’t I horrible”.