GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Does this just mean that people can take as many days as they want?

Yes, as long as the ā€œteamā€ keeps doing its thing.

This is the kind of weird policy that I think works best for the people that need dedicated vacation time the least (people that are good at managing their time generally have built in habits that support their resilience, motivation, productivity, etc.) and will actually compound the problem for people that need dedicated vacation time the most (people that lack good time management skills and will never feel like things are in control enough and so will just spiral into burnout). I also think open vacation policies just hand a weapon to abusive managers to play favorites and lord over colleagues by making them feel guilty any time they want to take vacation.

Obviously this kind of set up works great in theory and in reality if your team is highly functional and pro social to begin with. In which case basically any vacation policy will work fine. But in many work environments Iā€™d prefer to see worker vacation protected with more formality. But I am jaded by a career working for Fortune 500 companies with sociopaths all over the place.


IMO the ā€œunlimited vacationā€ policy is a scam and actually ends up with people taking less time off than if they have ā€œearnedā€ 4 weeks or whatever so theyā€™ll actually endeavor to use it (or get PAID for it if they leave). Companies love it because they donā€™t have to carry accrued benefit time that is payable on separation, and know that their employees will feel shame whenever they do take vacation, and it pits the workers against each other to show who is the most dedicated and who is a lazy slacking bitch that wants a few weeks off a year.

Brilliant corporate strat, imo.


Thatā€™s one big problem with the growing gig economy. You want to take a day off or take a vacation? Thatā€™s fine, but you will make zero money for those days.

Iā€™m freelance (originally involuntarily, but itā€™s been by choice for a long time now) and I almost never take a weekday off because I donā€™t get paid if I donā€™t work. My family will usually take a summer vacation, but thatā€™s about it for me. I work holidays, too. On the bright side, I work from home and my schedule is flexible, so I do have a lot more freedom to do things I need to do like run errands, take my kids to practice, go to appointments, etc. Hell, even take a break to play Elden Ring or something. And if I do work on, say, Thanksgiving, Iā€™m still at home with the family and likely only working in the morning.


Itā€™s completely this. Imo open policies basically shame workers into taking less by convincing them theyā€™re ā€œin it togetherā€ or somethingā€¦ time off is a benefit I work for and you know if you give me five weeks im taking all day 25 days.

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Maggie is on it

The F.B.I. on Friday began searching the Indiana home of former Vice President Mike Pence, after one of his aides found classified documents there last month, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Penceā€™s aides agreed to the search after discussions with the Justice Department, according to others familiar with the matter.


First they wouldnā€™t let us drive drunk and now they wonā€™t let us drive 90 minutes each way to and from work each day. WHERE DOES IT END? TYRANNY!!!


Regarding the bolded, I think in like 48 or 49 states thereā€™s no legal requirement for this either. As one of your standard USA#1 drones who in many years has wound up taking like one of his three weeks vacation (and often just using some abundant earned comp time instead of vacation days to cover it), this is a concern, because I realized one day that my company would absolutely unequivocally fuck me over if they could when I leave.

Itā€™s not as bad as it could be because I do tend to cash in a week here and there, but I have an amount saved up thatā€™s probably equivalent to a small severance package. And thatā€™s probably not a good thing.

Iā€™m surprised your company doesnā€™t cap accumulated PTO. Iā€™ve seen a max of 240 to 320 in other companies, with the option to cash out once per year. Itā€™s a massive liability for the company otherwise.

There are some other fun ways that companies fuck people over on employees on vacation. Letā€™s assume an employee earns 80 hours of vacation in a year.

  • Some companies have a use it or lose it policy, so you have to use the whole 80 hours and they donā€™t pay out any remainder at the end of the year.
  • Some companies have a maximum accrued paid time off and if you cross that threshold, you donā€™t gain any more time until you use it.

I remember a former boss that ran into the second situation and when he realized he wasnā€™t getting any more vacation time past 160 hours total he instantly took two weeks off. Thankfully I have had good experiences with PTO even in my current company which has unlimited time off, which they translate to ā€œplease take 4 weeks off every year.ā€ Never been denied vacation requests and seriously just encouraged to take time off.

My brother was a city employee at the manager level for 26 years. Not part of the Union but they got the same benefits as the contract.

When my nephew had a serious health setback, he was able to take off a shit ton of time without worry. I think eventually they started limiting accumulated time but they still paid it out annually once you hit the limit (so they didnā€™t lose time off but it did limit the amount on the books.)

Helps that itā€™s a smaller city with a major corporation supporting the tax base.

This and most of the other posts make me sad for you guys :(

There is absolutely zero discussion on vacation days, everybody takes the full amount (well, almost everyone).

Should I mention the amount of paid maternity leave for both parents? :see_no_evil:


Yeah I read a lot of r/legal-advice and the issue of companies screwing people out of PTO/vacation time when fired comes up regularly.



Only if youā€™re trying to make babies with us and naturalize us in your country. :stuck_out_tongue:


I work in Higher Ed in the US and get basically 2 months PTO per year. I plan to work till 70 (and likely well beyond) and would probably feel the same way even if inherited a couple milly or so unexpectedly.

But if I only got two weeks off a year, I am sure I would be pricing retirement properties in Ecuador right now.


TLDR: I admit no wrongdoing, but sorry and hereā€™s $3.3M to stfu about the slander. Also relieved that now Iā€™ll have more time to defend myself against the FBIā€™s investigation.


Hey itā€™s the state Attorney General who has been both in office and under indictment since 2015, which happens in our totally normal country