GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

If you know they lying, you still book them, and the you don’t challenge them….

Of course lolLaw.

Because he doesn’t want to upend Davy’s life plans.

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So they can be in on it but their participation doesn’t make them liable?

Lt. Kendrick : No, I like all you Navy boys. Every time we’ve gotta go someplace to fight, you fellas always give us a ride.

I was shocked when my boss in Japan (I was a contracted employee not a full-time one) told me that the company, a major corporation, had no restriction on vacation days.

Yet the pressure to NOT take vacation days is tremendous, and my boss, like everyone else in the division I was in and likely the company as a whole, was completely overworked and exhausted and seldom if ever took a paid vacation day.

It was about that time that I decided to look into becoming self-employed.

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Do you have a link where I can find this? I’m not doubting you, I just want to be able to share it.

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She’s actually just a mediocre rich kid with typical conservative “I’m a self made man” fictional narrative, from her Wikipedia page:

Anyone willing to do the minority conservative sellout gets all the money, instantly.

Bookkeeper AND

C. F. O.

Fuck that.

That’s what happens when you pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


Happy Friday

Have at it if you want to dig.


Did I mention Cavuto?

is a good bar trivia team name

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Sorry to the change the subject. But seeing RiskyFlush posting right now, I’m looking for a good Riskyflush midnight movie recommendation.


What kind of experience would you like to have


Already several beers in…so I guess something not long and not heavy

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So I read the article and I’m still confused. But what was the logic in her idiot brain that lead her to say that he should be “deported”. To where? Why? Was it just because she disagreed with his policies.

I’m sure the reason is dumb. I am still curious about what it was.

BRB will get three suggestions

Brewster’s Millions
Looking for Love

Light horror: Grand Piano
Very heavy horror lol: Ultrasound

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