GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

To avert a black-out, energy grid officials had to reroute power from nearby Silicon Valley-based power plants.[2][10] While some nearby neighborhoods temporarily lost power, “the big users weren’t even aware Metcalf had happened”, according to an expert from the Electric Power Research Institute.[1]

On the morning of April 16, 2013, a team of gunmen, using rifles, opened fire on the Metcalf Transmission Substation, severely damaging 17 transformers.[4][5][6]

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Henry Waxman, a ranking member of the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce, stated that the attack was “an unprecedented and sophisticated attack on an electric grid substation with military-style weapons. Communications were disrupted. The attack inflicted substantial damage. It took weeks to replace the damaged parts. Under slightly different conditions, there could have been serious power outages or worse.”[8]

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Because of course they did.



Us white men will not take this segregation any longer.

84% of Trump’s appointees were white. Seems like race-based hiring.

Diversity is adversity for Tucker. What perversity.


Tucker has more equity than DeSantis.

White conservative men are the most oppressed group in American, it is known. But fear not, someday if we all work really hard and make lots and lots of sacrifices, a white man in America will catch a break. I have a dream.

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I have been oppressed long enough. With my pickup, speed boat and blue blockers I am going to fight to my last breath.

Don’t Tread on White Male Cis Me


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I would love for someone who believes that to actually elaborate on which ways they are prejudiced against other than saying “others get stuff”.

People say mean things about white dudes sometimes. You know, like calling them racist.

I know it’s lol but your bog standard conservative white folk think that DEI is the most racist unfair unjust thing they have ever imagined.

White people have to pay for expensive homes, cars, and schools for their kids. Whereas black people only have to pay for cheap homes, cars, and schools. Also, nobody has called black people racist for saying bad things about black people, but white people get called racist all the time for saying bad things about black people.


The number one way I hear it is “It way harder for my kid to get into Harvard than a black kid with the same resume”.

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You talk to a lot of Asians?

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DeSantis should volunteer that after plying them with alcohol, he grabbed the girls by the short and curlies.