GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

How long before he has to say she was murdered?


That sounds like one of the Pillars upon which he might be removed to me

I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, in that the Police Officer “Thug,”
who has had a very checkered past to begin with, was not just “doing his job” when he shot and killed Great Patriot Ashli Babbitt at point blank range. Despite trying to keep him anonymous, shielded, and protected, this MISFIT proudly showed up on NBC Fake Nightly News “bragging” about the killing. He was not a hero but a COWARD, who wanted to show how tough he was. ASHLI BABBITT WAS MURDERED!!!

  • Most stablest of geniuses
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He did he job, which was to murder her.

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Stepping to the microphone in the sanctuary, a man who introduced himself as a combat Vietnam veteran suggested that the way the party censures politicians — a punishment previously slapped on the late Sen. John McCain, his widow, Cindy, former Gov. Doug Ducey and former Sen. Jeff Flake, among others – was insufficient for the times.

Instead, he said, “We should duct tape people to a tree in a dog park, so the dogs can pee on them. And then, when they’re there for a few hours and they have to crap in their pants, they can wallow in their own shit.”

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Now expand this logic to all cops.

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Interesting to note the point that “racist” is almost meaningless now. I tend to think that argument has some weight. The entire premise of white privilege is to recognize we are ALL racist (subconsciously, at least in part) and to work towards (but never fully eradicate) one’s latent racist sensibilities. Of course, those who deny they’re racist are typically those least aware of their own privilege (white or otherwise).


This is why its about a billion times more useful to talk about why ideas and practices and policies are racist and what to do about it instead of arguing fruitlessly about whether a person is Actually Racist.


I don’t think that’s the premise of white privilege at all. It’s the idea that even non-racist and anti-racist whites still benefit from systemic racism, that racism is not just individual racial animus but something built into the fabric of society, so that to eliminate racism we must remake society.

The conservative attack on things like socialism and CRT are based on opposition to ideas like systemic problems or collective good in favor of a libertarian and egocentric view of the individual as the sole legitimate unit of political and economic analysis. The enemy here is the notion of American individualism.


I’m not sure whether it is currently politically/socially beneficial for Democrats in USA#1 to directly discuss racist practices and policies.

Here in AZ, the newly-elected Governor recently threaded the needle very adroitly: as her first executive action (itself an indicator of her priorities) she paused all executions in the state until such time as the practice of execution could be sufficiently studied by a Independent Review Commission (which she, a social worker by trade, will staff appropriately). The new AG withdrew a request to execute a prisoner than Brno had requested before he exited the office.

Broadly speaking, prison reform (which this move furthers) helps address racial inequities perhaps more than any other policy, but I haven’t seen anyone discuss this move in racial terms. That’s what makes it so politically wise. She made it about “if we are going to do this, let’s do it right”; if she started with “no more executions; justice for Tyree”, she fumbles the ball on the goal line. But she is moving towards the same place.

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I agree that intersectionality/CRT involve systems.

Of course systems involve people. Who, if white, must confront and attempt to eradicate their own latent racism (why do I keep hiring white babysitters; I didn’t even think about who I was hiring?) in order to have any hope of disrupting the racist systems (of hiring, in this example).

I can’t even with Florida anymore.

This has already happened. I read about it a couple of weeks ago. He basically fired the president for no reason and replaced her with the former state house speaker (R) and replaced the board of governors with a bunch of GOP lackeys in the name of “diversity”

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So “Simulation Theory” is just religion but God is a nerd?

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I seriously don’t know with these people.

ETA This wasn’t a reply, but it could have been.

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Is this the new battleground, public infastructure?

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I’m sure the plan went further than this, but I love the concept that they were just gonna “shoot” the substations, like they had just seen one too many movies and expected to fire one bullet and watch the whole thing go up in a huge fiery explosion.

IRL sharpshooters took out a California substation in ~2014 IIRC and left without a trace and there’s never been any suspects

I’ll try to find it again, might be tougher with the current wave of attacks