GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I take that line sometimes.

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This guy Trumps.

It’s really the only path for him. Trump set the trap thinking he would deny it, and fuck any fleeting chance he has to win. Anyone with a clue knows Trump’s read is sound.


This might be an accurate model for predicting Republican behavior:


I hate when haters call me racist.

Just saw this from last week regarding spy ballons


The possibility for epic spy-balloon-related pranks is enormous.

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Now do legacy admissions.

Laser focused on the issues that matter.

Yeah, that’s a good line to take too. Although, I never hear that come out of the mouth of anyone with legacy admission hookup. I guess they’re mostly self aware enough to know that they’ve got their own kind of affirmative action. Or maybe my sample size is small.

Right, that’s exactly my point.

The same people who complain about the unfair advantage minorities have in college admissions almost never complain about the people have the absurd advantage people have if their daddy went to the school. I wonder why not?

Oh, I was making a different point, actually.

I have seen people complain about both traditional affirmative action and legacies (all the ones I can think of offhand are Asian).

I have never seem someone who is a legacy complain about affirmative action (but I don’t know that many people with the legacy hookup).

and it rolls off the tongue… almost

Ah, okay. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard this combo complaint in the wild.

Who was even clapping here? I see the olds up front but they didn’t seem moved.

He says people want to work longer (lol no), so maybe the retirement age should be raised to give them an “incentive.” Um, my man, if someone “wants” to work longer, then that’s their fucking incentive.

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I don’t believe that people actually want to work longer. However, a social security system that targets a specific retirement age does in it’s way incentivize retirement at that age. So “raising the retirement age” is a way to remove an incentive to retire earlier.

Of course the Rs and big business are just completely full of shit on this issue so I’m not defending them in any way. They just know that business is advantaged by squeezing every last ounce of labor value out of people before they escape to retirement. Your financial freedom is against their interest of course. This idea that people should embrace retiring later was making the rounds at the recent World Economic Forum. I think this idea will fail, partly due to worker dissent and partly because older workers kind of suck. #notallolderworkers, of course, but on average you’d rather have hungry 20 year olds with some ambition and not a bunch of 71 year olds that miss work all the time because they’re, you know, old and dying.

There is a more nuanced technocratic argument around raising the retirement age that is more interesting and that’s that there isn’t really any such thing as a retirement age, moving the “normal” retirement age up (or down) is really just decreasing (or increasing) benefits. Most social security pensions take the form of something like “you get $X per year at age 65 but if you start early it’s reduced by 6% per year and if you start later it’s increased by 6% per year”. If you change the 65 to 67, you don’t really force anyone to retire “later”, you’ll actually just end up having most people retire around the same age with 12% lower pensions. In the real world of silly behavioral economics there is actually some irrational clustering around the “normal” retirement date but by and large people retire when they can afford to or when they have to (i.e. disabled or laid off with no employment prospects). Raising the retirement date in the social security formula doesn’t really help these people, they can’t tell their employer “sorry you can’t fire me, my social security normal retirement date isn’t for another two years!”

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Ultimately Americans are just brain washed pussies. Here’s what happened this week in France when Macron tried to modestly tweak their version of Social Security (which is much better because duh):

“We’re worn out by work,” pensioner Bernard Chevalier said at a protest in the Riviera city of Nice. “Retirement should be a second life, not a waiting room for death.”


Have a variable retirement age based on how much of your employment life was blue collar/manual labor.