GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

i think it’s too late, but we needed a “populist” left candidate that somehow managed to shake the “socialism” label. someone that could speak like obama can speak and to say things that bernie says but with a younger less “go away old man” face.

but like other posters have said, now i think we just have to see if everything goes to shit and the pendulum swings back, and we aren’t ill prepared with shitty candidates like hillary/biden/harris AGAIN…
republicans are going to take over and get credit for: inflation going down on it’s own like everyone knew it would, Covid being over(read:ignored/covered up), the market rebounding… so it’s gonna be a tough sell.

eta- we also probably need trump to run, tbh.

This thing everyone is glossing over is what it actually means “everything goes to shit”. And how that gets us back to some kind of normal.

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How did the Great Depression lead to the New Deal? I’ve posted in the past about possibly needing that level of suffering to spur meaningful change. EDems are the way they are because they fear that nadir and would rather muddle along in a slow decline than see everything collapse.

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It’s fucking amazing how they fuck everything up, lose, things continue getting worse as a result of THEIR actions, Dems start to course correct and then lose cause they haven’t fixed it yet, and the GOP gets to come in and take credit for the turnaround. Rinse and repeat.


Impossible. Republicans call any Dem candidaye a socialist and the media amplifies the message by reporting what Republicans say.

then i would say you need someone charismatic enough to try and own it through speeches/soundbites. you’re right that it would be hard. and i’m not saying we have anyone down the bench that i have seen that has the ability/desire.

“if wanting working class Americans who built this great nation to have the same healthcare that congress gets than i guess i’m a socialist.”

“the “socialism” that they fear is that the middle class will have the same opportunities to advance as the rich…” type stuff.


The great thing about these sorts of lies is how the people telling them have to pretend they’re stupid enough to believe them.

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Only 25% think impeachment will happen? The fuck?

Basically like 90% of US adults were born in the summer.


Spending on social services reduced - Obviously
Aid to Ukraine reduced - Obviously
Abortion banned nationally - No, unless they are counting beyond 2024
Inflation will fall - Probably, but not because of anything Republicans did
Biden impeached - Obviously
Taxes will be cut - Leaning no until 2025
Government shutdown - How could it not?
Move COVID cases - How would we even know?


Yeah we agree except on tax cuts, I think it’s pretty likely they get the Dems to go along with one.

So this is where we’re at with the Pelosi attack…


Never going to hit play but most punchable face ever.

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xpert move


*stakeholders - noob.

Performance improvement plan for you!

Whitlock has the distinction of always being dead wrong in every single sports prediction he’s ever made. So of course he’s moved on to right-wing politics.

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your discrimination against non-native speakers is a DEI policy violation!

Yeah Whitlock has always been awful but how did he so easily become the worst. What does he think he is doing? He thinks he is a voice for black people as well.

It feels like he rebelled against the “main stream sports media” so hard that he went all the way to the deplorable right. He was a hot take artist, but unlike someone like Skip Bayless, he was so offensively terrible in his hot takes that he got tons of push back from the public and the networks he cared about. He then went into “I’ll show them” mode and went full right wing.

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I think you guys are overcomplicating it. If you’re a black dude who is willing vociferously espouse right-wing views, there is money to be made. Lots and lots of money.