GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

One piece of advice I give people at work now is write and talk in the style of Dick and Jane books. The business place phrases are annoying, and even worse they often come in a stilted “cop talk” style vapid formality that obscures more than it communicates. I send people emails like “I have the data file. I will send you the file tomorrow. I will add my analysis and comments to the file. Read my comments and then we will discuss.” People send me emails like “With regard to data file, it has been obtained from the vendor. My targeted delivery date for distribution of the file to key stakeholders is tomorrow. I anticipate to undertake a deep dive on the data to identify notable trends and value-add insights, which will be consolidated into an executive summary for consideration. Please circle back to affirm your availability to debrief at your earliest convenience.”

No. See Spot. See Spot run.


dlk9s jr actually said “let’s put a pin in that” the other day and I did a half-spit take.


As people’s email jobs get less and less important and they realise how utterly pointless they are except to provide work for other pointless email jobbers the emails get more and more complicated to try and hide the fact. Same happened with the police. As they did less and less (other than shoot dogs and black people) they started encountering more ‘tactical kinetic operational situations’.


Maybe give him fewer voodoo dolls.


I had an manager who would ask me to “tickle” or “send a tickle” to someone when referring to sending an email. It made me uncomfortable.


At the end of the day, can we stop saying at the end of the day?

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Only if we level set first.

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I would have quit, probably.

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Let’s put the level setting in the parking lot for now.

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you can’t set any levels until you touch all the bases with all the key stock holders



This is probably appropriate here, too:



Pretty lol Australian perspective from our resident shitlib who everyone here thinks is progressive. Basically left wing terrorism will be on the rise soon because 50% of Democrat voters think the Republican party is ‘evil’ when surveyed. And muh god there was that ONE example of the baseball shooting (he 1000% couldn’t think of another).

It comes from this.


Don’t listen to a Giannis interview if you hate that phrase.


I had a summer job whose primary purpose was to update a bank’s tickler files. Not as much fun as it sounds.


You were obviously doing it wrong then.

I had a similar gig working as an assistant to an old school attorney who used a tickler file to keep track of filing deadline and stuff like that. I can only imagine the look I must have given him the first time he asked me to update his tickler.

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