GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

yep. movie-mind distorting reality

they spend every day painting the current political situation as a life or death struggle against evil, and can’t IMAGINE some lunatic out there will actually believe it. or i guess it’s tough to break character and say, “hey btw this isn’t really that serious, don’t go actually believing pelosi is a real tyrant” because the next segment is “nancy pelosi is a tyrant who must be destroyed”



Self-fulfilling prophecy, also known as interpersonal expectancy effect, refers to the phenomenon whereby a person’s or a group’s expectation for the behavior of another person or group serves actually to bring about the prophesied or expected behavior .

reeducation camps have got to be on the spectrum of possible outcomes

If I understand correctly, the invader didn’t attack Pelosi until after the police arrived. They were grappling for the weapon when the cops opened the door I believe. So much for law enforcement equaling safety even for the in-groups they exist to protect.

The cops probably let him get a couple shots in… because they too think his wife is a bloodsucking evil commie groomer.

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We need a :tucker: emoji


That’s exactly what they want you to think. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

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Welp, the insurrection was really Antifa dressed up to look like pot-bellied white guys. So…

It is weird how only one side’s platform is a pure magnet for extreme mental illness.

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John Allen Paulos, who writes about mathematical literacy, observes that a more complicated, detailed story, while less probable, is more plausible.

MAGA jackass hit Pelosi’s husband with a hammer is relatively certain, but that’s not what counts. A gay lover’s spat that got out of hand and turned into a false flag attack by the liberal media, that’s a story that makes sense.

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I’m biased bc in my mind ethnonationalists, religious and right-wing are in the same bucket.


These are three Great American Values that are represented by the red, white, and blue of the flag.


how can you tell apart ethnonationalists and the right wing?

Why is the right wing in blue?

Probably to avoid association with US politcal parties.

To be clear, terms like right-wing and left-wing terrorism do not—in any way—correspond to mainstream political parties in the United States, such as the Republican and Democratic parties, which eschew terrorism.

I thought Dems were always associated with blue, and Republicans with red, no? So, at first glance and without looking at the fine print, it looks like the dems are doing all the terrorism on that chart.

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Only since the 2000 election coverage IIRC.

That’s dark blue. This is baby blue. Maybe aqua. obviously I don’t know

Right wing is blue, left wing is red. This is universal except in the backwards USA.