GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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Yeah a lot of that disinfo seems to spring from the same well, then fork to the right and left fringe. Maybe some of it is state-sponsored. But a lot of it seems to just be Macedonian teenagers making money off clicks.

Of course the big difference is the right fringe becomes mainstream Republican thought in a day.


“DEPAPE stated that he wanted to tie pelosi up so he could go to sleep, as he was tired from having to carry a backpack to the pelosi residence”

see it’s shit like this that makes me optimistic for the inevitable civil war, these maga chuds get gassed from what, a fucking 10 lb backpack? meanwhile half the soy drinking libcucks out here hiking mountains like they’re going out of style.


TBF Pacific Heights is up a pretty steep hill ;)

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i like the part where it says, “Depape remembered thinking there was no way the police were going to forget about the phone call”

because i’m imagining he says to pelosi, “did you just call the police?”
“yes, they’re on their way”
“no, i mean, i did call but they’ll probably just forget about it”
“yeah, yeah”
[minutes go by]
Depape (thinking): wait a minute, there’s no way the police are just going to forget about the phone call


He could barely wrestle a hammer away from an 82-year-old man. Do you think a Republican as old as Jim Inhofe is going to survive a hammer attack from someone more likely to have actually worked with their hands for a living?

Maybe a patriot named Charlie Kirk should do it, if he’s patriotic enough…

that was my initial fear actually upon hearing this story break, that we’d find out depape was some far-left guy that snapped - funny how far-left or far-right suspects easily could have carried this out or been motivated to, although I do wonder what the democrat/media spin would have been if he had the opposite political leanings.

(am not suggesting that far left people are violent, I just could see political motivations for this attack from either end of the spectrum, which made me morbidly chuckle at the dumb-shit “brilliance” of this current political strategy that’s been championed and architected by leadership like nancy pelosi)

So the Pelosi attacker is a leftist hippie and this was a false flag attack but true patriots should bail him out is what they’re going with?


Nice try FBI

Even if he’s just your general anti-government conspiracy theorist, we should claim he’s full-blown MAGA because it will annoy the MAGAts.

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True patriots should bail him out, tie him to a chair, and suck his dick to prove he’s gay.


But simultaneously says Pelosi doesn’t know who he is. LA Times story from a couple of days ago:

In a communication between a dispatcher and a police car, the dispatcher says “there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. The dispatcher said the man on the line “doesn’t know who the male is, but he advise that his name is David and then [said] he is a friend.” The caller, she added, “sounded somewhat confused.”

A law enforcement source in San Francisco said officials believe Pelosi was intentionally giving coded information because the intruder knew Pelosi was on the phone and wanted to signal to the dispatcher that something was wrong.

Which leads to this shit bubbling up to the highest levels:

It’s almost like they’re ignoring anything except the sound bite that fires up the base, even if the opposite thing is said in the same sentence. I’m beginning to suspect bad faith here.





State and municpal law enforcement all over the country did this in 2020

Lots of news stories of like lone 45-year old dad goes to first protest ever in his life, gets kettled, local police chief gives just absolutely batshit PowerPoint presentation to the local journalists about what antifa supposedly is, and gives names and addresses of a handful of people who were at the protest to the journalists, saying we’ve confirmed these people are antifa. The journalists print this, and 45-year old dad who was by himself at his first ever protest has to go on the local TV news the next day begging people to believe he’s not antifa, and stop knocking over his family’s mailbox and yelling death threats and firing him from his job and shit

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That’s the whole point. All the oxygen in the room in consumed debunking their bullshit lies instead of repeating the message that Republicans are encouraging their supporters to attack Democrats with hammers and that they are going around telling people that they intend to cheat ignore the outcome of the next Presidential election if they don’t like it. The internet has empowered them to flood the discourse with complete nonsense, which normalizes the common understanding that political discussions are the conservative bullshit → normie debunking cycle. They’ve effectively given themselves a free hand to take over the country illegally while their ostensible opponents are distracted.

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