GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Right of passage

That’s pretty much it, the kid is a total hedonist, gives zero fucks

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I thought there might be some fallout from swearing at a 7 year old. But I guess nothing of note.

Oh that? Lol no, we’re italian


Hard to wrap my brain around. Would raise more than an eyebrow at any of my family gatherings.

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Is Gavin Mario Wax a person or a brand of wax?

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Up until pretty recently my 10 yo daughter thought frickin’ was a bad word.

My wife is Italian, but obviously not THAT Italian.


You are referring to a democracy, right?


well it’s not like everyone is constantly dropping f-bombs directed at the kids but it’s definitely not the first time this kid has heard it. FWIW I did feel slightly bad about it after the fact, but just slightly. The kid really is a fucking shithead, though.

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Even by his extremely low standards that’s disgusting. I’m looking forward to his comeuppance more than that of his dad … assuming either happens.

Republicans are going to just stop doing legitimate interviews.


They just claim this stuff is Liberal Media Fake News asking Gotcha Questions like “what do you believe in” and “how will you use the power of your office if elected”. In USA Number 1 those are Unfair and Leading lines of inquiry. “Journalists” are supposed to ask Appropriate Questions like “To what do you attribute your enormous success” and “Do you think Republicans attacking Democrats with hammers signals problems for the Dems in the midterms”. Ya know, “journalism”!

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That’s why that douche has a half-smirk the whole time and is talking to her like she’s stupid. Like anybody who would ever vote for him would give two shits about the points she’s making?

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Right, the interviewer seems to not realize he (and substantially all Republicans) will have that same stupid smirk when Democrats actually are assassinated. They can’t (yet) say “I want her murdered” out loud but it’s pretty clear they explicitly do want that to happen. Somehow the media still doesn’t get this.

I told you all!


Yeah, it’s supposedly a great gotcha (and it’s certainly better than the average American journalist) but it’s still framed as ‘why are you doing this dangerous tweet sir don’t you know how dangerous it is? The unintended consequence here could be that people go crazy with a gun!’ He knows full well and wants psychos to go and shoot democrats. It’s the intended consequence.

i dont believe any journalist is doing their job anymore unless they actually bring the line of questioning home by saying, “were you lying then? or are you lying now? and do you think your base is stupid enough to believe you both ways?” . anything short of that is letting them off too easy.

So MAGA’s going to embrace a musician who got famous for celebrating illegal immigration?

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