GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

It doesn’t hold the slightest amount of water. In the interview he says specifically that he saw members of Congress, people he had looked up to and emulated, doing key bumps. He was obviously not talking about staffers.

McCarthy is just a coward.

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Incredible that this gets 100x swifter and stronger rebuke than openly plotting and executing active treason.


Normal one over at Fox News

They’ve been saying that about Disney since the 90’s.

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They like the old, overtly racist Disney.

Interesting split between.

Wtf? Cocaine is normal, literally everyone does it, all the time, everywhere.


Wow. I have never been close to cocaine.

Both groups probably go to the same events and parties.

And some of us have fun at those parties!


It’s treason against the Republican Party.

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McCarthy isn’t a coward, he’s just getting the snitch to keep his trap shut or cocaine Mitch will have to send over Matt Gatez to enforce “regular order.”


Saw song of the south at an actual movie theater.

Repeat that, please. I was too busy snorting lines off a hooker’s chest to pay attention.

Hint: when a bunch of people are hanging out in one bedroom, it’s probably not because they’re listening to music.

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You’re the one guy left in the living room wondering where everyone went.

I’m just getting started!

Good, maybe the place won’t be so crowded when we go next spring.



Don’t you have to be fairly out of your gourd on coke to assault a tree?

No, just cool

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well they did get rid of steve king

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