GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

This is one of those things I took for granted that everyone just assumed to be the case (and understandably so), but upon further reflection, I guess most of the people posting her clips aren’t aware of what happened to her.

I remember her being quite different before that. Maybe I am misremembering.

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I said back then that nothing was ever going to happen to him.

Support the insurrection, GOP be like: Hey, I mean, that’s just political speech man.

Accuse other GOPers of doing cocaine: GET THE FUCK OUT!

Until Trump Jr becomes the new nominee then the GOP will have to bend a knee and do a key bump and declare they always liked doing coke and there’s nothing wrong with looking a little squinty eyed and talking real fast

It’s only a matter of time before the party of “fuck you. We do what we want” embraces hookers and blow formally.

In fact, im surprised it hasnt happened sooner.

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The will Matt Gaetz resign before x was some of the freest money that was ever on predictit

Will Donald Trump being indicted pretty free money too.

And when they do embrace hookers, heaven, hell, and earth will be moved to make sure medical services are provided lest any unwanted babies become a problem of consequence

Some good cutting from Hasan

Could this be rightwing-metoo?



Biden needs to be calling for an investigation of right-wing drug/orgies. You know if this were some nut on the left making the allegations, McCarthy would already have a commission set up (assuming he were in power).

The left using this to bash Cawthorn as an idiot is a huge error.

There’s probably lots of eDems in Washington that really do not want a back and forth slugfest with Rs where everyone is conducting government funded investigations into the other side’s personal lives. They’re not going to come out of that clean. Some D will get caught having an affair and the right will win the messaging war no matter how many Rs are caught sleeping with underage girls.


Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina is throwing his weight behind a primary opponent to freshman Rep. Madison Cawthorn – an extraordinary broadside against a fellow Republican from his home state, as internal frustration with the controversial MAGA…

This just makes me think Madison got too close to the truth.


The current crop of GOP House members is almost exclusively actual crazy people. It didn’t get a ton of press but almost all the semi-normal country club types quit during the Trump years and the maps have been drawn to bury moderates. They ended up with a complete dipshit like Kevin McCarthy for a leader because the alternatives are even worse.

These peoples’ personal lives are uniformly complete train wrecks for obvious reasons.



Gaetz, who is still walking around as a free man and going on national TV to lie, was credibly accused of crimes including the world “sex” and “drugs” and “underage”. In a functional legal system that’s a bingo where you’re supposed to get dragged away in cuffs, not just carry on as a member of Congress.


Nah, there’s no real ‘there’. It’s obvious Cawthorn is either lying or greatly exaggerating and what do Dems want to do? Go around quizzing people on their drug use and personal sex lives? That’s what Republican Christian right wing nut jobs do, and it doesn’t even really work out for them. You really need some malfeasance going on, not just the tawdry goings on some Hill staffers or congress people.

And to the extent that it does work, that’s just because Liberals can’t help but chase their own tails endlessly dealing with the other side’s claims as if they are good faith arguments in need of serious examination and discussion. This doesn’t work in reverse, if Liberals try bad faith claims against Rs, they won’t engage they’ll just start screaming HER EMAILS WHADDABOUT HUNTER LET’S GO BRANDON and that’s that. Asymmetrical warfare is a bitch.

When has that stopped R’s though. There’s obviously no there with Biden’s kids, but Fox is running that non-stop and we’re sure to have investigations.

Right now, Fox (and even most of the rest of the media) is just ignoring the Cawthorn story. If D’s start investigating (even if they never find anything) it’ll force them to cover the story (maybe not Fox, but the rest will).

And I disagree that R voters don’t care at all. There are things too far for them. Greitans is struggling right now, Doug Jones won a Senate seat, etc.