GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

They just cut it. It goes from the “I feel like I could die and that would be alright” lyric to “And I want, something else”

Here it is, the verse is removed around 2:20. Its really bizarre.

Here’s the album version. The missing verse kicks in at 2:24

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Lol, I just timed it. They remove an entire :45 from the track

I’m kind of with you here. Dunno if I lack the ability, but I certainly lack the will to interpret lyrics. Most of them are dumb and not worth the effort.

So odd, they left the verse about bumping (with crystal meth censored) but removed half the next verse.

Damn, that song is a full minute shorter, 25% reduction! I’m guessing some radio executive made the decision to just trim down songs for more ad time after a few key bumps. And now that they have more ad revenue, more key bumps! It’s a vicious cycle


I generally don’t deep dive into lyrics unless I find something that I really enjoy listening to. Its similar to how I watch Movies/TV shows. I generally watch on a pretty surface level, but if I really enjoy something I will watch with a much different eye, trying to get the director and cinematographers meaning behind the shots, why dialogue is presented and placed in certain areas, and generally just allowing myself to go deeper into something than I would if I was just watching casually.

ugh I spent 20 minutes trying to find a comedy routine I had seen a while back of a guy with a guitar whose bit was 90’s rock was incomprehensible and he’d strum the song and mimic the song. He did Nirvana and Pearl Jam.

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I find myself reading rap lyrics way more than I did for rock.




that is why i votes “even grandma knows what a key bump is”, even though i’m pretty sure my grandparents did not.

This made me giggle a bit. The other day I was walking around my neighborhood in the Bronx with my lady-friend and came across the unmistakable smell of skunk spray (not normal around here, but I know there are occasionally a couple in the neighborhood). She literally did not believe that I could recognize it and separate it from the ever present small of marijuana that fully saturates the city.

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it’s an awful song regardless. at one point i probably listened to a lot of it. now i can’t unhear the out of tune singing and terribly semicharmed harmony

virtue signaling in this thread…

but seriously, recreational cocaine baggies are small, you literally take a door key scoop some out of the tiny baggie and put the key to your nose.

eta- bad pony… the picture is pretty correct, although that key leaves something to be desired…

“…he doesn’t know what is.”

Skunk spray smells nothing like marijuana.

Not even a good lie

Here’s a song where having the lyrics really helps…

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Not quite there yet. Workshopping exaggeration vs untrue.