GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I knew what a bump was, but had no clue what a key bump was.

  • I had no damn clue what key bump was.
  • Wtf, even my grandma knows what a key bump is.
  • I was the one doing key bumps with dipshit cawthorn.

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Needs a “I don’t really know what a key bump is but I think it was pretty easy to surmise” option.


Because he mentioned orgies, I thought “key bump” was a swingers term.


Needs an “I might be the only Hollywood agent who doesn’t know what a key bump is” option.


“Grandmas” aren’t sweet anymore. Like everyone that parties with Willie Nelson in the 70s is a grandma now. Think about it.

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So many questions—-even the dudes? Do they have time machines? Two. Two questions.

Yes and yes.

Wait, are you saying that partying with Willie Nelson means somebody isn’t sweet? Willie Nelson is sweet as hell wtf.

I mean not “sweet” in the sense that they wouldn’t know about drugs. The world is full of grandmas that got wasted when they were younger.

I’ve never touched drugs in my life. Only time I’ve been around them is at a concert when I smelled pot. But I’ve watched plenty of TV and movies and have been on the internet enough to know what a “key bump” or “bump” is.

Did you completely miss the 90s?

The sky was gold, it was rose
I was taking sips of it through my nose
And I wish I could get back there, someplace back there
Smiling in the pictures you would take
Doing crystal meth, will lift you up until you break
It won’t stop, I won’t come down
I keep stock with a tick-tock rhythm, a bump for the drop
And then I bumped up, I took the hit that I was given
Then I bumped again, then I bumped again


I have no idea what that song is.

There’s no way you haven’t heard this song a bunch of times.

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Ok, there we go. I have heard the song many times, but I have zero ability to understand song lyrics, even songs I have heard dozens of times.

lol that this is censored on YouTube but not on corporate radio.

I always hated when the radio would play the extreme censor version that cut out the verse about the lady in the velvet dress.

Weird. I don’t think I’ve ever lived in a place where corporate radio censored even a single word of that song.

Ah, I was in Nashville for a while so that probably explains it.

They censored crystal meth, they censored bump, they removed that entire verse. It totally fucks the song

How do they do that? I can see just censoring crystal meth, but how do you remove any entire verse?