GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

it’s a win because in their stupid heads they think when desantis is president he will be able to ship 1000x more immigrants to sanctuary cities.

Are they actually wrong about this, tho? Maybe not 1000x, but some large multiple.

when desantis is president, he’s definitely going to start by eating some faces, even of those who voted for him. then he’ll authorize border patrols to shoot migrants on sight and then lie on the statistics. and instead of immigrants, he’ll be shipping sick poors and registered sex offenders to blue cities. al of that is going to happen.

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The republican biggie.

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That’ll be a Grammy winner in DeSantis’s America.

She will win by 25%

All so pro this and pro that then just blatant racism in the middle.

Yes this is quite true as well. Deplorables also regularly assume that liberal expressions of concern about immigrants are insincere, because they of course are totally insincere about a lot of things (conservative concern about the national debt, for example, is all fake). So it’s very easy for them to assume that LIBRULS are FURIOUS about having dirty immigrants dumped in their neighborhoods because deplorables absolutely would be, and they can’t conceive that liberals don’t feel the same way. As has been pointed out by others on UP, a critical insight is that deplorable accusations are very often confessions.


Don’t change the constitution, but also I support the right to bear arms.

Goddammit I hate people.

Since Republicans always project, I guess this means Candace Owens has an incestuous past.


Imagine if they could just go where they wanted and other people would mind their own business. Imagine freedom.


i had to stop the video right at “i was having a casual conversation with my husband about pornography”.

All of this and the separated children and the caravans and most of the news on immigration is about 1% or maybe 0.1% of the issue. Mostly things won’t change much, just like mostly they haven’t changed that much in the last 6 or 14 or 40 years.

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Lol her husband doesn’t follow any social media but is also the ceo of Parler.

“Yesterday I went to a bunch of porn sites. For… research, ya know.”

yeah it sucks that the most extreme things happen in that 1%.

The most visible things happen in that 1%. You don’t see what happens to most of the 400000 people who are deported or removed a year.

And certainly plenty of extreme things happen to the 12 million people here who have to live and work in the shadows.

Man, if we could trick magaderps into crowdsourcing a bunch of immigrant shelters in nice areas that would be some next level trickery. Someone should definitely do that.

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I mean, the vast majority of people coming to the US are doing so in part for economic opporunity (and to escape horrific conditions). They want to work, and in many cases earn to support their families and others they left behind. The problem with this “program” is that they are being tricked, but if they weren’t being tricked, allowing them to move to blue states with labor shortages where they are both needed, and where they want to work is absolutely win win. Yes we should also be raising the minimum wage and making sure that they are being paid a living wage, etc, but so long as that is happening, what is the problem?