GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

It’s not as simple as this. Even if all of our jobs are good paying ones with decent working conditions, our birth rate is simply too low without immigration to fill them. We need immigration. It does not have to be exploitative.

Yes, Martha’s Vineyard specifically is clearly not the place where the migrants will find economic opportunities.

As I understand it, most of these migrants were intending to reach DC or NYC or other communities with Central American communities. I suppose DeSantis inadvertently helped them get closer to their goal.

we are talking past each other. a thing that happens to 12m people is a common thing which is extreme to the rest of us. the performative extreme cruelty that abbott/desantis have been doing is an outlier in a different sense

The bussing people is extremely sensational. Maybe that’s what you meant.

If one wanted to come up with a conspiracy theory they might suggest that Abbott talked to Biden and said, “I know how I can do something really small in the big picture that will ingratiate me with my voters and you with your voters.”

And as Trolly suggests, bussing people to Chicago is less cruel than deportation or return at the border, which is what is standard.

that is quite a conspiracy theory. abbot/desantis are counting on the less steadfast living in liberal areas to revolt when the number of immigrants crosses some critical mass. are you saying it is only performative of the deep blue martha’s vineyard to show how much they care, to drive turnout elsewhere? i don’t think so, i had legitimate interest and concern to know that the immigrants are not dumped on the streets. which is what happens often with some gop as well as some dem policies.

Better dumped on the street in Martha’s Vinyard than turned away in El Paso.

No one called anyone, but the bussing is just a political game.

you’ve lost me. i don’t even know what you are comparing or bothsidesing anymore. ted fucking cruz is out there lying about what happened to the migrants in MV, but you think it’s some sort of nonverbal agreement between operatives in tx and mass.

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I’m saying Democrats are full of shit and if they cared about these people they would just let them in instead of deporting 400000 of them a year. The attention given to 50 people in Martha’s Vinyard is as transparently performative as putting them on a plane was for DeSantis.


Motherfucker is still building the wall. What a joke. The exact same thing goes from a crime against humanity to just what you gotta do.

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c’mon now. you know as well as the rest of us that immigration issue is asymmetrical. the gop moves their negotiating position to be xenophobic every year, while the left is more or less consistent, and the center is getting rolled with literally every other crisis issue. they had to find a compromise on deportation of “criminals”. it’s not what you want, i get it, i don’t want that either, but that’s the plurality of the democratic voters. 30 years ago the fight was over how much aid the immigrants will receive. now it’s whether they get to stay at all

I don’t know what you mean by the quotes on your “criminals”. If you are suggesting that they aren’t really criminals, then I agree, and deporting them is heinous.

I would suggest that most Democrats do not want them allowed in the country. Hell, 41% of Democrats consider immigration an “invasion”.

Democrats “compromise” on immigration because that’s what they want to do. They want most people at the border turned away.

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yes, the gop calls anyone crossing the border criminals, which is heinous. obama/biden administrations actually tried to do background checks and shit, while also fighting ice/bcp on actually following the directives.

asking the poll with “invasion” phrasing is very close to a push poll. so, your beef is that 41%+ of democrats in that poll are uninformed that there really isn’t an invasion? that the influx of immigrants isn’t likely to cause more crime and wreck the social programs?

or are you saying that true progressives know what’s up, and are frustrated that their viewpoint isn’t a majority or plurality of americans?

yes, they want to compromise to move on several policies at once. that’s the reality of governance. if you are a one issue zealot, you are unfit for office.

lol wut

I don’t know why most Democrats want to turn people away at the border, just that they do.

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wedge issues how do they work

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gee i don’t know, maybe show them examples of immigrants living/assimilating just fine once they are sheltered

I understand how wedge issues work

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If there ever was something that should be put into rainbow text:


I guess staffers are probably instructed not to respond with “F you” and the like, but I don’t know if they have to be like “give it a shot!” when asked this. LOL.