GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I like this new GOP approach of looking at what other developed countries are doing and following their lead.


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Now do “senate”

71 senators are eligible for social security

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Basically the entire Gen-X generation got shut out of power by these Boomer and pre-Boomer lich kings. Pure NazgĂźl shit, they never die when they have the power of Congress.


We should stop federal funding of research into life-prolonging treatment.

So yeah. That chart is concerning. But they’ve taken a few liberties with the axis.

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The smile on the face of the woman on Linzee’s left shoulder throughout the question being asked is the smile of an absolute ghoul. Just completely chilling.

Just lol that these are all fictional non-human races but her der one sentence in a book described an elf as fair skinned.

It’d be correct to describe Tolkien’s vision of Middle-Earth as a mythological prehistory off our Earth before continents shifted, with much of the setting for LOTR corresponding to Europe.

Black hobbits and elves replace some of Tolkien’s romanticism with postmodernism, change I applaud.

The middle earth Moors were busy back in the day. Then by the time of the Hobbit/LOTR MMEGA had prevailed and locked up all the EOC.

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the whole idea that we’re somehow obligated to the source material is pretty sad and pathetic to begin with


Particularly when we have Brad Cooper Jesus.

Especially when the source material is boring af. It’s an interesting paradox that the real Tolkien fans are digging the Amazon show while the fake nerds are whining about how it isn’t canon because there are black hobbits.

The way they’re showing hobbits as a nomadic people in the Second Age is I think wildly out of canon but works very well imo.

This feels to me a little bit like a No True Scotsman fallacy. We may not like it, but the universe of “real” Tolkien (and generally high fantasy) fans includes a ton of angry incel losers. Those guys are of course going to latch on to a narrow vision of fantasy where the alpha male hero is feared and respected and wins in the end and gets the girl, and of course they will associate themselves with the Hero. These people are badly underdeveloped socially and of course they are going to perceive ANY suggested change to their fantasy as a threat.


Earlier this month, CNN published a news story featuring an interview with Brandon Morse, an editor for the right-wing website RedState, in which he complained that Amazon’s new Lord of the Rings show, The Rings of Power , is integrated: “He says ‘The Rings of Power’ producers have cast non-White actors in a story based on European culture and who look wildly different from how Tolkien originally described them,” CNN reported. “He says it’s an attempt to embed ‘social justice politics’ into Tolkien’s world.” Morse told CNN that “if you focus on introducing modern political sentiments, such as the leftist obsession with identity issues that only go skin deep, then you’re no longer focusing on building a good story.”

It’s worth noting how rapidly right-wing language about colorblind meritocracy melts away when it does not produce the desired results. Perhaps the actors cast were simply the most qualified?

It is kind of weird how, maybe they are most qualified isn’t even considered, it’s Hobbits are white, therefore they must be white. I did see a response to this that it’s only a one way ratchet with liberals, black actors can be cheered for playing a white character but white characters can’t be cheered for playing a black character (MLK was an example), but it would seem that if one were inclined to have a color blind world the ratchet part wouldn’t matter so much as the amount of color blind meritocracy has increased from 0% to some percent.

The interesting thing about this particular sort of backlash is that someone is willing to express such sentiments so explicitly. Backlashes against Black actors being cast in prominent genre roles are almost reflexive at this point, but the critics usually avoid stating outright that the integrity of the work requires an all-white cast. Most of the time, they stick to the argument that inserting politics into art diminishes the quality of the acting or storytelling, even if the shows merely acknowledge the existence of people who are not white or straight or men. The benefit of Morse’s candor is his clarity that his demand to keep politics out of art is itself a demand for art to conform to conservative politics.

The refrain “Go woke, go broke” offers a tidy summary of this argument, wokeness gone mad being a useful euphemism for a demand like “resegregate popular entertainment,” which might turn people off. In a recent Instagram post, for example, Donald Trump Jr. neatly summarized the view that American popular entertainment doesn’t have enough exclusively white shows

Yea when you put it that way…

Prominent genre brands like Star Wars , or Marvel, or Lord of the Rings also have the difficult task of creating content for children while still satisfying their middle-aged stalwarts, whose nostalgia is ultimately insatiable because they cannot look upon novel material with the same emotional intensity they felt as children. Many older fans are convinced they can’t recapture that intensity only because the producers themselves have failed to create stories of the same fundamental quality, when in reality they have simply outgrown the sentiment they are chasing. These campaigns seek to convince this audience that the feeling they are pursuing can be recaptured, if only those making popular art would reject modern progressive dogma—thus creating a well of cultural resentment they can manipulate for political purposes.

That is the deception of this campaign, which is not about protecting the integrity of art at all, but ensuring it serves a particular political purpose. In other words, these critics seek to turn art into propaganda for one cause rather than another. Maybe it’ll actually work. But even if it does, it will not make Star Wars , Lord of the Rings , or any of the other stuff you liked as a kid Great Again, at least not in the way you want. People hoping otherwise will just have to grow up.



I suppose that’s true. Still, the guys who are mad about Galadriel being too much of a badass in the show definitely aren’t familiar with the books. Hell, even in the Jackson movies everyone is scared shitless of her.

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Right but in their fragile ego minds they don’t associate with Galadriel. In the real world strong women are a threat to them, so they prefer the fantasy world where they can pretend it isn’t so. To have someone then come along and emphasize that actually even in their fantasy escape world women can be strong and have power, that pisses them off. You’re “ruining” their escapism.

Tolkien only had like three female characters in the entire trilogy but most of them are surprisingly woke.

I think this is bullshit as a general argument and that I am perfectly capable of distinguishing good/reasonable new fantasy content (Harry Potter, some of the new Star Wars stuff) from dogshit (The Last Jedi, which sucked in part because of the intrusion of political ideology into the story).

This argument seems so flimsy as to completely fall apart if you poke it a bit. Taking The Last Jedi as an example, is it really true that the problems with the movie arose because of a tension between making movies for children while satisfying manchild nerds? Is the excruciating “Oscar Isaac gets owned by girlbosses” sequence in there for children? Is the casino planet scene material aimed at children? I think it’s hard to make these claims with a straight face.

I have no idea whether this is correct when applied to RoP as I haven’t seen any of it.