GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.




I imagine that the number of felonies Rudy committed was an order of magnitude greater than Trump (e.g., hundreds vs dozens).

If there was ever a situation that RICO applied toā€¦



Meh, thatā€™s like barely a pill a week per person.

Heinlein was serious.

From the afterword to an essay called Where are the Heirs of Patrick Henry in which he argues against nuclear disarmament. Worth reading if thereā€™s any doubt. You can find it on p. 317 of his book Expanded Universe.


The Heinleins formed the Patrick Henry Leaguein 1958, and they worked in the 1964 Barry Goldwater Presidential campaign.

He described himself as a libertarian but was more complicated than that. He changed his views over time. By Starship, he was all in on a society that does not seem particularly appealing to me. As a kid I loved his books but I re-read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress not long ago. Still a good book, but oh man.

Yeah, after reading Stranger in a Strange Land I was surprised to hear he was a Goldwater republican. Apparently he wrote it before trending fascist.

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Fascist might be too strong. I donā€™t know if he responded to that specific charge anywhere. I think heā€™d deny it though the society he favored certainly had fascist characteristics. I donā€™t think he was a racist or sexist, though he did get some criticism.

Hmm, I havenā€™t read Starship Troopers, but Iā€™ve read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Stranger in a Strange Land and both are anti-authoritarian and extrapolated. I donā€™t think either is that good though and everything having to do with sex and women (and thereā€™s a lot) is very juvenile.

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Itā€™s been an awfully long time since I read Stranger in a Strange Land, but even as a teenager it struck me as kinda contrarian edgelordy iconoclasm for its own sake, and that mindset seems to pretty reliably lead people to hard right ideologies.

Booker & Thomas, The Science Fiction Handbook

It seems that Heinlein disapproves of democracy and supports a type of militarism that is virtually fascist in its politicsā€¦

Ok but ā€œit seemsā€ and ā€œvirtuallyā€ leave a little wiggle room. I donā€™t know how heā€™d answer. He might have, I just havenā€™t seen it. Not that Iā€™m a Heinlein expert.

I have a hard time describing him as anything other than libertarian. He did seem to espouse militarism as a necessary bulwalk against communism.

I read a lot of his books, but he lost me with his excessive focus on incest.

What if these 17 songs are the best songs ever created? He had like 40 years to work on them after all.

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