GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Joe Biden?

Heinlein was serious afaik.

I was going to qualify that statement with Biden. But he only won because Trump was just so polarizing.

And yes the first part of statement could approve to Biden as well .

I believe that you’re basically saying that the thing that usually happens will always happen, except when there are special circumstances. That’s not particularly rigorous logic there.

would prefer vets against the shooters than the uvalde cops tho

trump did as the early favorite for R’'s

people said he could never win the presidency too

actually think desantis is live myself of course not vs trump h2h but that field yeah

I mean like he doesn’t have either the positives or negatives of trump but people aren’t going to spite vote against him his wife had breast cancer, they’re gonna play that up in a general

Biden was the early favorite? When exactly are we talking about?

Biden was the leader in 2019 polls, both for the primaries and head to head vs Trump.

I must have forgotten that. All I remember is Biden getting embarrassed pre-South Carolina.

Iowa and NH were embarrassing for Biden precisely because he’d been leading in the polls.

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Anyways, Trump is such a disruptive force that it’s a mistake to assume that old patterns will continue so long as he is active in politics.

But they weren’t surprises. Even leading up to the actual voting we knew Biden was gonna get wrecked.

I think he was expected to come in second and ended up fourth, with his numbers well below what he was polling.

Hah, we just had this discussion in the movies thread. The book was serious. The movie was satire of the book.

The movie was over the top but I still wasn’t sure how to take it when I first saw it. I guess if they can balance it like that it must be some good satire.


(I know my pony is slow - just a +1)

Your take is right. The movie and the book were both satire, but a lot of people took one or both as just boostering for militarism.

This seems like the most relevant thread for this

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This is a really great book about how that happened: