GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.



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The Taliban would be proud!

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Florida: Anyone can be a teacher, we need to relax the standards

Also Florida:For you to donate books to the school there must be an employee with a book taking certificate at the door and each book must be personally scrutinized by the arch book taker. No one else can do it.

I think as long as they get a side of lower taxes along with the main course of batshit crazy they are happy to keep voting for these assholes.


From my experience even the people who seemingly don’t give a fuck about anything but lower taxes will twist themselves into a pretzel to convince you that no, seriously, the democrats are doing CRT and as a principled small government conservative they cannot stand idly by any longer as liberals indoctrinate children.

I wish it were possible for Cawthorn to be so broke he had to live in a shitty third-floor apartment above a storefront without AC or an elevator.

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Third floor walk-up in a mixed use building sounds like the exact opposite of a shitty apartment to me.


Yeah, I get the joke. Just saying, without that part, it’s hardly my first go-to for what constitutes a shitty apartment.

For me, a shitty apartment is a sprawling, poorly maintained, low-rise complex located close to nothing.

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Yeah Beacon Hill in Boston is all 4-5 floor walk-ups with no AC or elevators. Currently going for an average of $3k a month in rent. Mixed use and dense housing = :heart_eyes:

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A walk-up apartment, even just second floor, seems like hell to me.

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I like mine. Greatly reduced risk of people stealing packages.

The Dems losing the house and the Senate and Madison Cawthorn isn’t around any more would be all the proof needed that there is no god.

I like apartment living, but elevators are the worst part. I live on the 6th floor and I have always tended to use the stairs when going down. When COVID hit I started using the stairs 100% of the time, and once I got used to that I never stopped.


They’ll make him Speaker.

This comment and your recent supermarket one make me think you should be getting a lot more exercise. My favorite part of laundry day is the multiple trips upstairs then down to the basement and back. Burning calories feels good, man. Improves your mood and cognitive skills too.

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More parable than satire.