GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Lot of so called progressives are way behind the curve here. Like their brains somehow can’t accept the obvious? The entire GOP less maybe Mitt Romney completely on board with this shit. They’re gone.

They aren’t going away. Take them on and win or lose the country. It’s going to be the latter.


Isn’t that what I’ve been saying?

I’d randomly guess a year or less with no priors. Maybe six months.

After talking with her “best friend,” which is how the Thomases refer to one another,

OK, that’s adorable.

I’m still wondering how you can be so brainwashed to be in an interracial marriage and against the Loving decision.

Thomas is basically 100% in it for himself. I read a history of the Anita Hill hearings a few months ago and it’s like Thomas simply does or says whatever is politically helpful for him. What he actually believes in his heart on anything is a mystery.

So yeah, he’s more than capable of marrying a white woman and voting against it for anyone else or whatever if Republicans like it. I also think he’s capable of retiring during a Biden admin and telling R’s to fuck off if he feels like it (this may be a moot point if he fucks off and dies).

As I thought, they cover all the goings on on todays episode so check it out if you want more

One of the cases where he seemed to strongly feel about was Virginia v Black where he dissented against Congress overturning a law that treated a burning cross as prima facie evidence of intent to intimidate. He also joined the liberal bloc in a case holding that Texas did not have to issue a Confederate flag license plate.

Ironically, Thomas is kind of an ideal West Wing justice in that he’s going to step down whenever he feels like it without regards to politics.

Not even sure if this would rank in the top 100 list of Self Evident Contradictions Among American Conservative Beliefs.

Remember that one of the absolute core foundational beliefs of conservatives is that double standards are Actually Good. Liberals fall flat on their face all the time trying to persuade conservatives that their ideas are bad because, hey, look here, your idea creates a self evident double standard. Not only are they indifferent to this, they are fully in support of it. In their minds the world is divided into people that deserve what they want and people that don’t. They think the purpose of government, including the Supreme Court, is to make sure the deserving get what they deserve, and that the undeserving suffer for their failures and inherent inferiority. This is all over the conservative belief system. Racism, ldo, is a pure manifestation of this. So are “free market” principles where the government subsidizes big business. So is toxic religion based on fire-and-brimstone, punish-the-sinner concepts. Etc., etc., etc. They don’t just accept double standards as a tolerable outcome, they are pleased as Punch to see systems and institutions that enforce and reinforce winners and loses because they think that’s the natural order of the world. Of course Thomas should be able to marry a white woman and States should be allowed to ban other black men from doing the same! He’s a winner and they’re losers! He deserves what he wants, and they don’t!


Maybe he sticks with it if it’s important for his wife, but he personally gives zero fucks about the party or his legacy.

I know edgelording is your “thing” and it pains me that I often agree with your takes, but come on man.


You don’t think Clarence Thomas still has sex with his wife?


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) said in a letter to the Austin Independent School District (AISD) this week that its Pride Week was “breaking state law.”

Paxton wrote Tuesday that by hosting pride week, the district “has, at best undertaken a week-long instructional effort in human sexuality without parental consent. Or, worse [the] district is cynically pushing a week-long indoctrination of [students] that not only fails to obtain parental consent, but subtly cuts parents out of the loop.”

The Texas AG also wrote that the Austin ISD’s curriculum and lesson plans “deal head-on with sexual orientation and gender identity—topics that unmistakably constitute ‘human sexuality instruction’ governed by state law.”

Also breaking laws:

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For the last seven years, he has been under indictment on three felony charges related to securities fraud .

IANAL, so I’m not even close to understanding how Texas’ CURRENT Attorney General has this going on

LOL LAW is always the correct answer.

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How long do these things last? Nunes is still suing the cow afaik wasn’t that ~5 years ago?