GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

There’s this new highly sophisticated legal strategy called FUCK YOU MAKE ME that is batting 1.000.


Deep down, Clarence Thomas knows he’s a fraud. Dude is clearly miserable and I’m here for it.

I would like to see him freed of that misery, and given the opportunity to rest very deeply.

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These people only understand tit for that.

Left wing political correctness run amok

I dunno guys, he makes good points. What if this IS the end of female sports forever?

This is the guy who is so primaly predestined towards rape that he cant be alone in the same room with a woman, right?

The first time Republicans have ever cared about womens sports in any way is when it gave them an opportunity to punch down at a marginalized super minority.

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Some serious bro-bonding going on here


That whole thread is really fucking weird. It’s like a club of people who all wish each other good morning and good day over twitter.

It just goes on and on and on like this - until about an hour ago when the rest of twitter discovered the thread and it blew up.

Like what is going on here?


That sounds wholesome and cool? These guys give off scary MAGA vibes, but I like the idea of being nice to each other on the internet.


Brian Koppleman has a thing where he and his followers post their first cup of coffee every day.

Obv they’re all pedos and they talk code code about pedo stuff.

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I do enjoy how far right weirdos in every country are blaming inflation on their respective leaders.