GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Love being non Christian and fighting for Christian nationalism.


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I think Christian Nationalism is just code for White Nationalism mixed with systematic misogyny. You know, Republicans.


Jesus is just rude that way.


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She went full Final Girl
It’s not kink-shaming, it’s conservative-shaming.

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Hopefully Hamilton just condemns the anti-LGBTQ thing and reiterates that it was unauthorized and drops it. If they go after them it’s going to blow up in their faces and be a bad look. That is, assuming there was no revenue generated by the performance.

the church will probably appeal up to the supreme court, and the court will rule that you can reproduce and distribute any musical IF and only if you include a lecture about jesus, destroying broadway forever and cutting off a valuable source of income for the gay agenda

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“Texas church”

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Pretty much, they’ll rule that adding in the Christian content makes it a separate interpretation or whatever bullshit and that preventing pastors from using musicals to adapt them into sermons would infringe upon the first amendment right to practice religion. Clearly the founders would want themselves to be used 200 years later for such a thing!

It makes sense to me, we all know how anti-gay musical theater is.


You think those fuckers didnt sell tickets/ask for tithing during/ after the performance?

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I am never gonna take your, shot,
I am never gonna take your, shot,
Hey yo, I’m just like my country,
I’m old, white, and dumb, see,
and I’m never gonna take your, shot,

I will be in church every single Sunday,
Probably shouldn’t say, but dag I hate immigrants and gays,
The problem is these woke libs hate God and King Donald,
I gotta holler over transgendered basketballers, they need role models,
I’m a Christian in America, a persecuted soul,
Trying to reach my goal, an American white nationalist stronghold,
White power, damn did I say that out loud?
These radicals Democrats gettin bolder and mold our,
very children, groom them into gay Mickey Mouses,
Damn right I have a gun to brandish, AR-15, Let’s Go Brandon!
The plan was, to storm the Capitol, hang what’s his name?
Because Dominion rigged the vote, now let me spell out the name,
We trust in T-U-C-K-E-R C-A-R-L-S-O-N, he,
Looks so confused, but he thinks independently,
Meanwhile these libtards keep on shittin’ on us endlessly,
Essentially, create pandemics relentlessly,
And Sleepy Joe caused inflation with his spending spree,
He ain’t never gonna win re-election, see?
So President Trump will be back, cause it is meant to be.
Enter me (he claimed he heard) before he gave the D,
Don’t be shocked when she has an unwanted pregnancy,
She will lay down her life if she aborts it, see?
Eventually, you’ll see, it’s a life to be.
And I am never gonna take your, shot…
I am never gonna take your, shot…
Hey yo, I’m just like my country,
I’m old, white, and dumb, see,
and I’m never gonna take your, shot…


“Tithing was separate and unrelated to the performance, with no coercion or requirement to give. Suck it libs.”

With Love in Christ,
Brett, Neil, Sam, Clarence, and Amy

“I am concerned and uncomfortable with much of this ruling, but I concur with ‘suck it libs.’”


“We’re so incredibly fucked.”

Elena, Sonia, and Ketanji

I would take 30 minutes to write a parody verse of My Shot at the exact moment the news broke that the fucking FBI was raiding Mar-A-Lago lol…


Perjury prosecutions are really rare for criminal trials as well. They’re just nonexistent for civil ones.

I am fine with a world in which prosecutors use their discretion to never get involved in civil cases. A world where they do will absolutely favor the wealthy and connected.

Edit: As far as criminal trials, the only time I ever saw it was when it was someone other than the defendant getting prosecuted for perjury (on really strong evidence). With the defendant, you wouldn’t bring a perjury charge. If you convicted the defendant then bringing a perjury charge would just be piling on. If the defendant was acquitted, you wouldn’t bring it because, one if your case was so weak int he first place that you couldn’t convict him of the original charge you weren’t going to get him for perjury, and 2, it would look pretty fucked up to go after someone who was just acquitted.

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