GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

That’s standard here too. It’s pretty easy to get a discount at a dentist if you’re willing to pay cash on the spot rather than making them go through your insurance. Probably cheaper for you as well as you’ll save more on premiums. Even the best dental insurance is not that great for covering serious problems and routine check ups and cleanings can be had for far less than employee portions of dental insurance premiums.

Uh, no. This might have been true ten years ago, but Ohio is pretty hard red these days.

Biden did better in Texas in 2020 than he did in Ohio, and I don’t think anyone would say “even in moderate places like Texas”.

Really asking the tough questions




Most healthcare is free so employee health insurance is basically prescriptions + dental costs covered.

Somehow not onion

I literally did a double-take to make sure it wasn’t the pitchbot.

Uhh, hi…I just surrendered three rabid bobc–I mean babies to the drop box. The babies are 100% safe and totally not rabid. OK, thanks.

Its definitely not super dystopian.

Perjury cases are basically never brought against people who perjure themselves in civil lawsuits. The plaintiff’s attorneys can’t do this, the local prosecuting attorney would have to.

Sounds like one for the LOL LAW thread.


Eh… You don’t really want people getting prosecuted for perjury every time someone thinks they lied in a civil suit. There is massive room for abuse there. Alex Jones is an exception of course.

Let’s start with equal frequency to criminal trials. That should take care of the Alex Joneses. Right? At least I hope so.

Also I assume that people wouldn’t actually be prosecuted “every time someone thinks they lied”. Obviously the prosecutor should use some discretion, as he would with any other crime. So it would take a bit more than “someone thinks you lied” to trigger a prosecution. But not so much that you have to lie even more than Jones to even consider it.

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Apparently drop-boxes for babies are perfectly fine, but drop-boxes for electoral ballots are just too risky.



Those are fairly common around here. The idea is to to give mothers in distress an easy option to free themselves of a baby they don’t think they can care for instead of abandoning them in a dumpster or killing them.

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A race to the bottom with the most unelectable candidates is our only hope. I mean some will sneak through in red districts but hopefully will lose power. Eventually.

If there’s one problem with CPAC it’s that they are too woke. CPAC = RINO IMO!

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