GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I saw this too, the guy had stars in his eyes

lol dopehat, lol law

You’ve gotta admire Republican messaging on taxes. Picture at the top of the article and in the thumbnail of “50% millage INCREASE!” then later in the article they clarify

For the average home with a market value of $250,000, the new millage, if approved, would have increased taxes about $24.

Fuck me how am I gonna come up with an extra $2 a month?


Issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group the Republican party. you do not, under any circumstances, “gotta hand it to them”


What if “it” is a live grenade?

Lol punitive damages are going to be $0

I dunno. Still seems like there’s a decent chance he realizes LOL LAW and that the only way he can actually lose is by shopping at White Shoes instead of Payless Shoes.

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An absolute all-time example of voting for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party:


Lots of people will go wrong thinking that when the Republicans say they support Freedom that the Republicans mean that they value the Freedom of everybody. It’s a harsh lesson that Republican Freedom is freedom for some people but not everybody. Some people are more equal than others, ldo.

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There’s her problem right there. I don’t think she knows what conservative means.

Is she also too ignorant to know what Republicans mean when they talk about “freedom” and “family”? Not her.


Modern conservatism is very much about opposing whatever it is that the technocratic eggheads in Washington are for. If they say gravity pulls down, you can prove you are a smart independent thinker by insisting that gravity actually pulls up. Smart people are skeptical, so if you’re skeptical than you must be smart!


Seems pretty sus. I don’t believe that someone who has supposedly been incredibly politically aware since they were like 12, could ever think the Republican Party was done with fighting against gay marriage.

Sounds like a fucking moron who has never opened a history book or knows what an Uncle Tom is.

“Due to the GOP’s fairly recent history of making opposition to gay marriage a campaign issue”

Holy shit


Chalk it up to another victory for conservative messaging. They are good at making talking points that poke at peoples’ psychological weaknesses. This person was so determined to be an Independent Thinker by going against the grain that they didn’t bother examining any facts. Oops.


You’re so naive. The history books were written by the same pushy leftist eggheads that this person hates for trying to tell her what to do and think! I am skeptical of what the history books say because smart people are skeptical so I will be skeptical so that I will be smart.

People make this mistake all the time. I even have this handy image ready since this comes up so often, even on this forum.


She’s really a libertarian who decided to ignore the differences between libertarian and conservative because it sucks to be third party, which is what a true dumbass contrarian would be happy to be. Unfortunately, Trumpism decided to ramp up the discomfort caused by cognitive dissonance.

Leftists seem to be better about not lying to themselves about what makes them different from liberals (aka shitlibs), but that makes it harder for them to participate in the same party in the same way that libertarians can engage in self-deception and fall in line with Republicans.

Everyone is susceptible to self deception, ironically it’s probably an example of self deception to believe that one’s own political leanings are evidence that you are immune from self deception.

Being a “Skeptic” is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to being an “Actual Smart Person”?

Think it’s more like an Actual Smart Person is mildly skeptical. Obviously not everything you read and hear is true, every source naturally has some of bias, etc. and you should factor that into your thinking but just reflexively taking the opposite stance of the “mainstream” is patently dumb.