GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Seems like a problem if a governor can just remove elected officials at his own whim.

Another good example of asymmetrical warfare. Sounds like Florida allows for removal for “neglect of duty, incompetence”, and other such reasons. Dems would never because norms. GOP realizes “fuck you that’s why” never fails and just says this guy is all those things, so they’re fully justified to remove him.

From the CNN article:

Under Florida law, a governor can remove “any county officer” for malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony. The Florida Senate has the power to reinstate a suspended official or remove that person from office.

DeSantis has used his power to remove certain elected officials more than his predecessors. In one of his first actions as governor, DeSantis suspended Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who oversaw the police response to the deadly mass shooting at a Parkland high school.

But past suspensions were a result of actions already taken by elected officials. Warren’s suspension is in part for actions yet to be taken. Notably, the state’s new abortion law is facing a legal challenge and one judge said it violated the state’s constitutional, though a higher court said otherwise.

I think Alex Jones lost but damages seemed low? Also new charge starting tomorrow wat?

Almost went insane with rage but apparently this excludes punitive damages which they decide starting tomorrow.

But…not good!

So he basically gets away with it completely.

Issue is whether punitive can be 10x under TX law. Dunno.

As for damages, this is one case. I believe there are others.

Verdict was signed by 10 of 12 jurors.

In before Roger Stone was funneling money from conservative donors to Alex Jones to brainwash susceptible conspiracy theorists to vote for Republicans, and doing so by “buying” a shit ton of supplements that were actually never shipped out.

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Infuriating. Like, seeing red levels of infuriating.

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Is that one plaintiff with many more to come?

Lol popehat

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Two plaintifs. There is another case in Delaware ongoing where he has also been found guilty. Hopefully not having a jury full of Texas fuckwads will make a difference

All and all Jones is going to pay a two week to maybe a month paycheck and go right back to doing what he does.

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Maybe this will bring some much needed attention to LOL LAW, always


lololololol this deranged slimeball gets a $750k fine after making $800k in one week harassing school shooting victims, amazing.

Oh he also made a complete mockery of the court and openly harassed the judge, completely unpunished lolololololol law


He conpletely fwiled to follow judges orders for like THREE YEARS. Fuck I am mad right now

I just saw a clip of the lawyer for the plantiff on ari ,say 4 milly is a good start, but he expects to see 9 figures when done. idk , but i did rewind and that’s what he said