GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

She stayed true to her path and met all challenges head on.


They don’t need to. The people they are selling to are utter morons who have not one skeptical brain cell when it comes to their heroes. He’s not selling his vitamin pills to me and you just people who have already drunk the kool aid.

Child porn?

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Don’t forget Presidents, too!

I mean it seems like he could legit do some time over the child porn.

SSC stopped by for a chat last night. I was assured the we GOT him now. All of the Him’s. Save your one time dealer, Merrick is gonna roll all this up.

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Sounded like it was emailed to him unsolicited, so I doubt it.

Seems like a leap to me. We dont have any idea where in his hard drive those files were

Let’s not lose sight of the irony that Republicans spent days hammering KBJ for “protecting child porn” (meaning she worked to reform archaic laws that treated literally any l child porn embedded in a person’s electronics as being equivalent to a physical photo that they held) and now one of their truest believers will have to lean on that interpretation heavily.

I thought I read that stuff was in his email. If he had it stored elsewhere that’s obviously a different story.

This is right. The documents were found in emails that had been sent to InfoWars.

Jones’ lawyer claimed the FBI cleared him as there was no indication Jones ever looked at or dowloaded the porn. Obviously this could be a lie, but the porn was found in 2019 (and immediately reported to FBI by plaintiffs’ counsel), and the fact nothing has happened in three years is strong indication nothing will.

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Jones’ lawyer filed emergency motion regarding their mistake to produce entire contents of his cell phone.

edit: Assuming plaintiff’s lawyer is right, included in the documents inadvertently produced are confidential medical material from another case that Jones’ lawyer is not allowed to be in the possession of. If true, Jones’ lawyer is even more screwed.

edit: Judge denied motion to seal the entire production, will allow Jones’ lawyer to clawback specific material that is protected by privilege or other confidential issues (basically allowing him extra time to do what the rules gave him the 10 days to do).

Goddamn his lawyer is a fucking clown. This is what happens when you’re fucking seventh on the bench.

DeSantis suspends (fires?) twice-elected state attorney because he’s too “woke”.



Well duh