GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Jones should’ve been in the gulag an eternity ago.

He’s literally just puffing his chest out

Wait, in the first picture. Wat

How does one write this notification letter? I’d try to sneak the notification in the middle of two statute quotations about irrelevant issues in like the 15th paragraph.


today’s entire deposition reminded me of this:

This. Man, law Twitter needs to realize that Alex Jones does not care in the slightest about getting publicly embarrassed in court --he’s Alex Jone! He does that for a living! Wake me up when this asshole is in a cell or actually on the street asking for change or facing the kind of consequences normal people would face for traumatizing an entire school full of grieving families.

I just don’t even understand how they don’t even ‘shop it just a bit! Trim the edges, dodge and burn the definition on the abs. Amazing


At least let the wife get 100% custody of their children. Good god why did we let this monster raise children, great system.

I absolutely agree that there are going to be just enormous fucking judgments lodged against him. Whether or not he ever pays a penny of them, yeah, who knows.

Listening to knowledge fight. Hes a fucking monster. They have the woman on that wrote the book about Sandy Hook, and she was talking about the parent’s therapist testifying. He told about how first the parents had to lose their child, and then they had to receive phone calls, every single day for years, telling them that theie child didnt exist. That he was made up, and how that can completely destroy someone’s psyche.

He told the story about how the child was in the class, and the gunman either had a misfire or stopped to reload and he yelled out “RUN!” to some of the younger kids that were hiding and they did and he ended up getting a bullet for it as he made sure those kids ran (this was later coroborated by the kids that escaped.) The therapist said it didnt matter to them that he was recognized as a hero (I believe he was given some special funeral by the state of Mass for his heroic actions) but only that he is recognized as being real, as having lived.

Ugh, im tearing up now thinking about it. This monster turning an entire army of monsters loose against these poor people who lost their child. All to continue the grift and make as much money as possible. It enrages me. And then the mother offered this awful piece of shit water in court when he was coughing.

I hope they take him for everything. Literally every cent he has.


Did the…. Did the supplements make him shorter?

The guy should absolutely be in jail. Like forever. He will actually end up living comfortably while evading judgments against him.

Our legal system is a complete failure. It is a legit national crisis.


Thats just the evil. Its like gravity.

Oh man the judge was mean to me. Oh man that lawyer embarrassed me. Gee whiz they caught me lying.


I agree with this. Whatever “consequences” he faces will be completely on brand. Like I can totally see him fleeing the country and doing his show or whatever it is from some far-flung bunker. In other words, just regular Alex Jones stuff.

Jackie Walorski (R-IN) died today. Lest she be buried without any attention given to her record, she voted to overturn the election hours after the insurrection. She also was a hard line religious nut job and anti-choice crusading jackass.


God has spoken. Abortions for everyone!

Just read a bunch of her tweets. She sucked.

Sure it does. Of course it’s not like magically effective.

Hundreds of Dem congresspeople/governors etc will be tweeting condolences soon I’m sure. ‘Might not have agreed on everything but respected her integrity’ etc