GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, I presume.

Well not everything sucks in Texas apparently. Looking forward to see tidbits becoming public.


…she lost custody of her kids to Alex Jones?


Not really his kids. Crisis actors.


That’s all a setup. They’ve already claim someone else put it on the server/phone to make Alex look bad.


She won joint custody, but she wants sole custody.

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The waived attorney client privilege thing is a red herring for normies, imo.

99% of the materials were discoverable information that Alex previously lied about not having and his attorneys had previously wrongfully withheld and then correctly released at the last minute for whatever reason.

Legally it’s nice to have in your pocket that Alex Jones can’t nit you on largely BS attorney privilege claims and you can go through his emails/texts whole hog without a care but plaintiff’s attorney make it seem like something nefarious is going on when they say Jones’ attorneys “accidentally” sent him something he was largely entitled to.

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But it sounds like they also lost hold of other things of interest to his wife, J6, DOJ? Again probably things he illegally withheld from other discovery. ?

J6 Committee is also entitled to relevant materials and nice for them that they don’t have deal with BS privilege claims.

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What was generating that income? Like, he was deplatformed, so what was he making money off of?

Supplements and other crap he sells on his website.

$800,000 a day for supplements!?!?

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Never underestimate how strong the grift is

(Tom Wambsgans voice)

I’ve seen twitter Lawbros claim Alex Jones is fucked infinity times. I’ve never seen Alex Jones actually fucked even once.


Who wouldn’t buy the supplements that caused this transformation:




that photo is even funnier because the whole schtick with those photos is you do the after one first, and then drink a bunch of milk and fizzy soda to do the before one… and that one looks somehow legit 45days after some sun and he thinks he looks better… lol

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