GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I am a bit skeptical of skepticism.


A natural contrarian

Stopped reading right there. Being “that guy” on the internet this fun, but it shouldn’t be how you navigate real life.

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I think the problem is the assumption that people who have ordinary, pedestrian views are just indoctrinated sheeple who don’t question things. The reality is that a lot of reasonably skeptical people look at things carefully and decide independently that gay people ought to be treated with basic human decency.

A lot of contrarians are actually contrarian sheeple who find ways to be predictably contrarian in the same direction.


Let’s analyze what this really means ….

Is there a CPAC every other month now or some shit?

I think it has become like a traveling carnival show (apologies to all the traveling carnival shows for this comparison).


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CPAC used to really stand out as the crazy sideshow to the GOP, but now that the whole party is MAGA nutty, it’s not as remarkable.

Oh, come on.

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That can’t be an accident.


The logo was intended “to represent four hands and arms grasping together – a symbol of unity for our all-county professional learning conference. Nothing more,”

The swastika is easy to see. The four hands and arms grasping, not so much.

Looks like the human centipede


That is amazing. Republicans are just so damn good at messaging. On that note, some dipshit right wing pundit must be talking about Brittany griner recently because both yesterday and today I had two different people regurgitate the exact same talking point at the poker table, in two different poker room, completely unprompted.

“Its hilarious that that Brittney griner girl would kneel for the national anthem but now she wants America to come save her. Bet she’d rather be in America than Russia now.”

As if you can’t protest to make America better while also simultaneously not want to be locked up in Russia. The fact that this exact talking point was made yesterday and today by unrelated people shows how good the right wing outrage machine is at messaging and then getting their idiot foot soldiers to spread their bullshit to the masses.



If it’s not a swastika it’s a pretty wild orgy.

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The hero we need watched Tucker Carlson for a week and came out still semi-sane.

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45 milly


Doesn’t seem like free speech to me.