GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

You forgot “she is laughing so hard that she has a heart attack mid point”.

I already said only actual tennis players had a chance. The amount of people receiving tennis training in the USA is not a high number. Even most pros can’t afford a coach.

I like and respect women’s sports, but there is just a huge athleticism gap to men’s sports. I haven’t played tennis myself in 15 years but even as recently as 3 years ago was having a female gold medalist train with our team for soccer and she was not the best player there and we are not a top level team or anything resembling professional.

Still remember the day Ron Harper wandered into my college gym during the summer for a pickup game. There were some quality college players on the court and they all may as well have been wax figures for their ability to stop him from scoring at will.

Pro athletes are just the elite of the elite of the elite.

This happened to me once in hockey. Nick Kypreos, who was an objectively bad NHL player who made a living fighting people in the NHL, skated with my rec team once. Our rec team was starting a game in Toronto on a rink where Kypreos just finished doing some coaching for kids (he was volunteering as a coach for his son’s team). He came over to say hi to us (he was a nice guy) and skated around with us for a bit, passing it back and forth. Then he ripped a shot that was the hardest shot I have ever seen up close, right in the top corner, a simple wrister for him that our goalie didn’t even see and that picked the top corner. This from a guy who in the pros looked like he couldn’t score if the goalie was pulled. Incredible.


Can you imagine if one of us was sent back to like July 2019 to warn the forum of what was coming? Oh man, we’d be laughed out of here.

“Hey guys! Buy N95s and hand sanitizer and toilet paper, also buy Game Stop calls cause it’s going to $300 in June of 2021, and jpegs of apes dressed for yachting cause they’re going to a million! Oh and don’t worry about the murder hornets… Also in late 2021 buy calls on wheat futures and oil futures. Oh and if you ever want to buy a house or a car, do it now.”


yeah. this happened quite a bit when i was in college. couple of the kids that ended up being 5-7 yr nba bench players would come in to the rec gym. one kid’s biggest weakness was shooting according to nba scouts, i think he went 8/8 from 3 with me guarding him… basically like i wasn’t even there.


I think this is why NBA scouts drool over the “quick release” jumper. Even if you can shoot like Steph Curry with no one guarding you, if you can’t get off a shot quick enough in the NBA it doesn’t matter, because most shots are at least somewhat contested.

And when people say there’s no way Putin is insane enough to get bogged down in a land war in Europe ask them if they want to bet on it.

I also like how the timeframes for these “imagine ifs” keep getting pushed forward as more insane stuff happens so much faster. It used to be ‘imagine showing a 90s you your phone today’ then it was ‘imagine telling the 2008 you about trump’, now it’s ‘imagine going back a week and telling your week ago self that 50 ft clowns took over belguim’.

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yeah. i remember going to one of those “semi-elite” basketball camps when i was 10 or so and a few UNC players came in and did shooting drills and pretty much all of them went 45/50 or so and i dont think any of them went on to be prolific scorers even at the college level other than maybe joseph forte and he didnt even pan out at the nba level…

I pissed at the urinal next to Chris Alexander in a UVa dorm in 1994.


If your definition of “actual tennis players” is decent D1 players and professional tennis players, sure. What percentage of men do you think that represents? Is it 1 in 8?

I said upthread already it’s well, well under 1%.

Isn’t this basically what the matchup between Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs was? A top female player vs a bottom tier male pro? I’d take Serena all day long against anyone below top 500 player.


Seems a bit illegal, maybe the 1/6 Committee can investigate it once they’ve wrapped up the whole 1/6 case!

Riggs was 55 and had retired over twenty years earlier. He has just beat Margaret Court, the #2 player in the world at the time.

Some claim he threw the match against Billie Jean King to pay off gambling debts.



Sometimes God sends imperfect warriors to do his bidding.

I think He’s testing us.