GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Would be pretty great if Republicans make the midterms a referendum on Laptopghazi.

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"Baker describes himself as a ā€œright-wing curmudgeonā€;[4] writer and media critic David Carr described Baker in 2009 as ā€œa neoconservative columnist of acute political views.ā€[10] Baker holds euroskeptic views, arguing against closer European integration.[22][23]

Ryan Chittum, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, criticized Baker in the Columbia Journalism Review as ā€œan Iraq War-cheerleading neocon, goofball Obama ridiculer, and author of some of the wrongest commentary of the financial crisis.ā€[24] Chittum highlighted several of Bakerā€™s previous writings, including a column in the Financial Times in 2003 in which Baker mocked French opposition to the Iraq War, and a column in the London Times in 2006 in which Baker argued that ā€œwe are going to have to get ready for war with Iran.ā€[24]"

We should totally be listening to everything this guy says

The official account of the Republican National Committee:

Shout out Kevin McCarthy

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Libs donā€™t like Russia. I donā€™t like Libs. I like Russia. Ukraine was no angel.

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At least she knows Russia is a bear. Thatā€™s a good lil girl.


Thatā€™s hilarious. Like of all the sports things Iā€™d think I had a chance to do against a pro, scoring a point against Serena would be near the bottom of the list. The only chance Iā€™d have would be if she double faulted.

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The videos of random decent street ball/college players taking on NBA players are great.

Itā€™s obviously not 12% of ppl who could take a point off Serena, but just not lose a point to love? Some decent athleticism and tennis training could do it. Thatā€™s like well under 1% of Americans though.

The conservative group Project Veritas said on Tuesday that the Justice Department began secretly seizing a trove of its internal communications in late 2020, just weeks after learning that the group had obtained a copy of President Bidenā€™s daughterā€™s diary.

In a court filing, a lawyer for Project Veritas assailed the Justice Departmentā€™s actions, which involved subpoenas, search warrants and court production orders that had not been previously disclosed and gag orders imposed on Microsoft, whose servers housed the groupā€™s emails.

The disclosure underscored the scope and intensity of the legal battle surrounding the Justice Departmentā€™s investigation into how Project Veritas, in the closing weeks of the 2020 presidential campaign, came into possession of a diary kept by Ashley Biden, the presidentā€™s daughter, and other possessions she had stored at a house in Florida.

Project Veritas paid $40,000 for Ms. Bidenā€™s diary to a man and a woman from Florida who said that it had been obtained from a home where Ms. Biden had been staying until a few months earlier. Project Veritas also had possession of other items left at the house by Ms. Biden, and at the heart of the investigation is whether the group played a role in the removal of those items from the home.

Yeah, the only chance anyone would really have is if she messed up. Double fault, hit one too hard out of bounds, get overzealous and smash one into the net, etc.

Itā€™s easily less than 1% of male tennis players.

Whatā€™s your definition there? Like dudes ranked ~250 have absolutely crushed her.

There is still a gigantic gap between male and female sports. The USWNT and hockey team play ~15 year old boys games for warm-ups and do not win those matches.

Like anyone that plays with some regularity. Guys that can play actual points. Easily 1000s of rec players for every D1 college plus pros.

By win a point Iā€™d also define her not double faulting or her just trying to crush every ball and missing a couple.

All men on tour would get points. Iā€™m not sure how far down to get to equality.

I played D3 college tennis and would be an underdog to score a single point off Serena in a set.

By the way, I played an informal match vs Chris Evert when we were both teen-agers (our parents knew each other) and lost 6-0, 6-0 but I did manage a few points here and there.


Think Iā€™d take every decent D1 player vs Serena. When Serena and Venus got punked by a dude ranked in the 200s, he said he was barely trying, had just played a full 18 of golf and beat them 6-1, 6-0. At the time he said theyā€™d have no chance vs anyone ranked in the top 500, and he was playing like someone ranked ~600.

Like my chances of returning her serve would be roughly the same with my eyes closed as with my eyes open. Iā€™ll just be swinging wildly. Whatever the odds are I randomly connect by sheer luck, and not only connect, but send one right down the line or whatever where she canā€™t return it, are the odds I can score a point against her. Otherwise itā€™s all on her to mess up.

I actually think my best chance to score a point would be her amusing herself by aiming at my racket and trying to score a point on herself, herself.

Thread is a time machine into 2019

Have you ever tried to receive a serve from someone that actually knows what they are doing? Iā€™m reasonably athletic and I found it insanely difficult to return and the guy I was playing with just played in highschool. I would be shocked if anyone who didnā€™t have a decent amount of tennis training could do anything more than look like a child playing against someone half as skilled as Serena.

Hey guys you might want to stock up on hand sanitizer, trust me.