GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

ah so best cases (there’s no reason to think this trend will continue, it almost certainly will reverse) is Democrats lose the house only by like 20 seats, not 100.

Chode who was single handedly responsible for igniting the anti-CRT crusade has target locked a new issue for the hive mind to obsess about.

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Timmons, who drew Donald Trump’s endorsement in his June 14 GOP primary, is an attorney and the owner of the Swamp Rabbit CrossFit gym

Shocker, another Cross Fit Fascist

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What the fuck is it with CrossFit

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Loooollll. Letting David Sklansky write your election suit, a bold move, cotton.


Guy out of a sun glass car selfie meme is actually a radical leftist, sure!



Now do FOX


Lol at calling it an assassination attempt - or really even an assault. From the video it looked like he just wanted to talk - he easily could have walked up and attacked if he wanted. I guess he did have some weapon on his hand, but didn’t seem like he ever tried to use it.

yeah I want to see the video

Lol that wasn’t an assassination attempt. No doubt scary to have some approach you on stage unexpectedly, so I certainly have a little empathy, but come on.

In fact, it looked like the guy was reaching for the mic.

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What was the “sharp object”?

He had some weird two-knucle spiked brass knuckles thing on one hand:

Yeah I’m not saying that there was an overreaction in the moment, totally fine with wrestling this guy to the ground and even arresting him but if that knuckle thing is a blade the dude could have stabbed him if he wanted to. Framing this as an assassination attempt is stolen valor.

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I’m not sure it was even sharp. Looks like it had two points, that could be used to puncture but not cut.

Agree with pvn that I’m sure it was scary and guy deserved to be tackled and arrested, but they’re framing a drunk guy slowly staggering towards him and trying to grab the mic as as assassination attempt. Seeing it again, it’s clear the “you’re done” wasn’t a threat, but was saying you’re done talking (while going for mic).

Here’s a video that shows the guy was in no hurry and didn’t “rush the stage” like the stories claim.

He would have had a legitimate shot if he could run like Hawley.

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