GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

This is a real thing that goes on


I mean this is a country with megachurchs so I’m surprised this has only in the last few years started happening (or at least been prominent)

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So what, are we gonna start banning $10 plastic cat keychains now???

Of course. Keychains aren’t enshrined in the constitution like semi-automatic rifles are.

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If only there was a good guy with a $10 plastic cat keychain there


this whole thing seems off, are we sure this “attacker” isn’t a crisis actor


This is pretty good


apparently now Zeldin is railing against soft on crime policies that allowed his would be assassin out on an OR bond. but it’s alleged that the DA that charged the “attacker” with the “second degree attempted assault” charge that doesn’t carry pre-trial detention is actually Zeldin’s current campaign chair…

I hope they let Mason proofread it. A gambling event is occurring!

That Attempted second degree assault charge is weak as shit. Requires that the defendant attempted to cause physical injury by means of a dangerous instrument. The video doesn’t bear that out. That’s maybe a criminal possession of a weapon 4th (misdemeanor) and maybe a menacing second (also misdemeanor), but maybe not. It’s definitely a harassment (violation).

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Inherently nothing but it’s practitioners are quite cult like, which means those predisposed to joining cults are also likely to fall in line with the GOP.

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Ehhh the most notorious cult of all time (Jim Jones Peoples Temple imo) was super progressive, if not downright communistic. Wouldn’t say that falling into cults is a left or right thing, unless you’re counting organized religion as a cult, which would be fair I suppose

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I don’t think it’s a question of conservative or progressive ideologies being more cult friendly. More an observation that at this present time the GOP is far more appealing to those susceptible to joining a cult than any other mainstream organization.

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Cults are attractive to certain anti-establishment types who crave an explanation for why the mainstream is wrong.


Most of the people I know who do crossfit are liberal or at least anti-Trump (I can’t think of one who isn’t at the moment). But that could just be a biased sample based on people that I am likely to know.

“Joe Biden’s War on Guns is working, without Joe Biden this guy would have mowed Zeldin down with an AR-15”

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