GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

They are worried that they are going to get a surprise from their latest hookup.

But mostly it’s just the outrage machine in action.

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Thought? It’s all raw resentment and rage for anything different than their vanilla cookie cutter existences. All this culture war bullshit is predicated on emotion and lacking any coherent logic or understanding. Right wing demagogues are like high pressure salesmen, they don’t want their marks thinking. They want them experiencing visceral reactions they can mold to fit their agenda.


They can’t bully black people or gay people as much anymore so going after trans people is about all they’ve got left. They used to scream about the liberal gay agenda back in the 90’s, it’s the same energy.


they still scream about the gay agenda fyi


Wait till they find out men used toplay female roles in Shakespeare plays.

Actually, they’re worried that getting a boner from looking at a trans woman (or what a trans man used to look like) will turn them gay.


It’s all a little of everything right? There’s a good faith proposition that people are uneasy about things that are new or unfamiliar and transgender and LGBT generally are outside of the norm. Then there are those also are more essentialist who rather than the locus being on their internal confusion theirs is external, people should be this or that way, regardless of the actual reality.

Layered on top of those though is the right wing outrage machine that tries to posit itself as common sense middle ground but are obviously purposefully transgressing for clicks, clout, money etc. It not like Peterson, Ruben, and the small man all happen to continuously keep tripping up on all this shit, they’re entertainers, but for those psychos. Sometimes they don’t get any traction with the middle of the Bell curve, sometimes they do, but they’re always hustling.


I think this is a big part of it. Just massive insecurity driving this instinct to RAGE at gender fluidity. IF I WANT TO SEX YOU THEN YOU HAVE TO IDENTIFY AS A WOMEN THAT’S LOGIC.

What’s ironic is that Juno was pretty popular among right wingers because of the abortion clinic scene.


Ultimately, Republicans are superficial and visual-oriented. They feel more comfortable when they haves cues for social behavior that they can see immediately.

Republicans are going to turn against mental health concerns more than they already have because that’s unseeable stuff inside people’s heads unless it’s something like Down syndrome.

Shapiro literally seems to be mad at an actor pretending to be someone he isn‘t.

I mean I also have to pretend that this guy called Brad Pitt claims to be some kind of gangster in Oceans Eleven. Is Shapiro mad that Neil Patrick Harris pretended to be into women on How I met your mother?

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There are lots of every day people trying to do their best who aren’t scientists. Ascribing the worst social media posts to their character kind of confirms their fears.

Also, with minors transitioning parents don’t really have a choice to not be concerned.

I try very hard to take my cues from the scientists here but I’ve also been called a bigot for simply stating that I think a trans person should be honest with someone they are dating. How is that not anti trans in itself?

kinda surprised the brits came up with this first, our transphobes are really falling behind

Here’s a cool new Arizona law

Can’t see that ever being problematic.

The rightwing’s transphobia strikes me as just another flavor of their desire to “other” anything that doesn’t fit within their very narrow conception of the ideal, which they rarely even fit into anyway.

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Therein lies the betrayal.

Just be white and don’t cause trouble - seems easy enough.


in my fb adventures since this post i heard someone very seriously describe the “vegan agenda” as being part of the trans/woke agenda to get men to have way too much estrogen in their diets, giving them saggy boobs and fee fees. I’m still on the fence about it, I fuckin love vegan cuisine, but I also don’t want to be forced to become a woman.