GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

He is a no exceptions abortion guy
He is against gay marriage
He wanted to throw away ALL mail in votes.

He is ultra MAGA with no redeeming qualities in a purple state. They are afraid he is going to cost them the senate seat.

Really looks so far that pa is going hard blue this election. But doubtful it drags anything outside statewide races. I don’t think there are really close house races-not sure about state legislatures.

No ads running outside of anti mastriono and anti Oz.


I was told that Republicans would stand idly by and let Trump and his henchmen take the government by force. Looks like PA can be added to GA and AZ as states in which Republicans aren’t completely lost.

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Big difference between voting for someone who shares your ideas, and actively supporting their efforts to distort results when they lose.


I have no idea what half of these tweets you guys post mean

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Me neither. Trying to read the tea leaves here and here is my hypothesis (it’s like a game of Clue!):

Guess 1 - Posobiec is a conservative shit poster Nazi

Guess 2 - he likes teenage girls in ways he shouldn’t

Guess 3 - he is accusing the Woke people of “stealing” Page out of his sexual fantasies with all this trans mumbo jumbo.

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It’s all of these, plus the creepy notion that the sexual objectification of women is something that he is entitled to.


Maybe he’s upset we won’t get a sequel to Juno.

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Trumpers are working hard (thank you) to prevent that flaw in 2024.

Someone should introduce him to Hard Candy.


That trans women are TOTAL BONER KILLERS!!! and are thus problematic is nothing new. That trans men also are shouldn’t be surprising, I guess, but it is a bit of a new spin.

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I mean, he’s probably mad that he can’t jerk it to Page anymore, but let’s not pretend that he actually has a principled argument motivating these posts, he’s just mashing whatever buttons make the hate machine go brrrrrr

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They’re completely lost in AZ… they really are. We have so many fucking nutters.


Sorry if ponied…but 0% chance these morons have ever seen these movies. Always gotta have something to gripe about and distract from real issues though.

I’ll be damned, they really are upset that they can’t watch Juno anymore.


Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin eating Twitter bans since they are too proud to delete their tweets. So ya, they are frothy

I’ve watched the first couple episodes of the latest season of The Umbrella Academy. Thought they handled Page’s transition pretty well.

The fact that people are actually concerned with other people’s genders blows my mind.

I’ve seen so much trans hate in random discords. People going off unprompted about the “woke liberal tranny agenda.” I just don’t get it and clearly they’ve put zero thought into it.