GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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Well, at least we don’t have to wonder any more about who will be Twitter’s main character today.




This is begging the question… Scott, what did you do to your stepston to make him a danger to himself and others?? This isn’t some intrinsic quality baked into 14-19 year old males…

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Boys will be boys! Nothing we can do about it!

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I wonder what Mom tbinks

What women think doesn’t count in America.

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Ask Rand Paul… he had a whole Democrats were slave holders bit.

Suggestions put forth in that thread:

Reintroduce mental institutes of the 70s.


Boyscouts returning to their former glory when they werent infested with LGBT types.

The crazy doesnt fall far from the tree with this guy

In one single conversation I had a client tell me:

Abortions are bad - even though she got one when she was younger. She realized it was a racist ploy by the evil dems to abort minorities!

The democrats are the KKK and the parties never flipped!

She’s praying her lesbian daughter will “come to her senses” because “everyone is being gay to be cool these days” because of the “evil leftists ruining the country.”

Of course she’s a good Christian by the way!

You literally couldn’t pick a worse group of people to be the “righteous” ones in this country. It’s un-fucking-canny how they’re all literally the nut worst humans alive.


That Religion is a powerful drug.

If there’s one thing America needs it’s more prisons.

This is genuinely wild stuff


I would also bet these Reasonable Republicans were enthusiastic Donnie Dumb Dumb supports in 2016 and 2020 and would be again in 2024. Mastriano is probably just a massive douchebag behind the scenes and these establishment Rs just hate that he can’t do fascism the polite way.

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He is a massive douchebag in front of the scenes.


I don’t doubt it. But I think if a Republican is a massive douche in public but acts chummy with country club crowd in private, the country club Republicans will have no problem with them as long as they get the tax cuts and racism done. But if you’re “disrespectful” to the Republican boomer class they will shank you.