GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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No words really


If your children/grandchildren got infected by a zombie virus for which there was no cure, you wouldn’t put em down? monster.

Wonder how her children feel knowing that their mother would cap their children in the face if she got wind that Marxist pedophiles were close to them?

In what fucking universe are the democrats in the KKK? Am I losing my fucking mind here?

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The USA pre-Nixon’s Southern Strategy.

Republicans love to bullshit about how Democrats are the real racists because Lincoln was a Republican and Democrats were segregationists and in the KKK pre-Nixon. They just ignore the whole Southern Strategy thing.

Yea common trope that democrats are the real racists cuz it used to be true way way back

Also bringing up anything that involves the ‘invisible’ racism stuff like structural racism that Republicans don’t think exist makes you the real racist for making everything about race.

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what the fuck

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It’s some sort of reference to his stepson dying of a fentanyl overdose at 18.

I still don’t understand what he’s saying.

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I want to feel sorry for these guys, they’re so obviously completely broken humans, then I realize that they’re going to be in charge of everything in like 28 months, until forever.

I think he’s saying he doesn’t believe in therapy.

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When you think about it, having kids is nothing more than the trolly problem.

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Kind of wish these people would bring in other countries into their mind palace games. We already have fantasy land places where dangerous young men aren’t massing killing on the regular. It’s called Europe, Australia, etc


crazy solution but hear me out. an annual tournament where angry homicidal kids under 18 battle to the death for the entertainment of millions. the winner gets all student debt forgiven. not sure what you’d call it, but I think we could come up with something.


THAT’S NOT SOCIALISM! would be a great name for this late stage capitalism dystopian game show, IMO.


In the near-future, following a major recession, the Japanese government has passed the “BR ACT” to curb the nation’s juvenile delinquency.

These guys are onto something.

scott adams horseshoeing with super radfems is not something I foresaw.