GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I gotta say, the way this is phrased and the attitude it implies has been gnawing at me since yesterday. I’d already internalized how they ‘hate’ trans people but framing it as a personal affront was an angle I didn’t see coming. However I suppose it tracks with my idea that most of the fear towards LGBTQ people is having never come to terms with their own feelings and sexuality and being absolutely terrified of what they’ll find if they think about it for more than a few minutes.

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LOL, wat?

It says very clearly in the Presidential Reinstatement Act that this could happen. Either that or this lady is having some kind of fever dream.

It’s just hilarious that this another “Trump Lawyer”. Orange Man is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Looks like the well is just full of Powell- and Guiliani-level legal minds.

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Oh, God help me. This is your honest to God goddamned complaint?

I really wish to say nothing kind about the Biden administration, but maybe they didn’t invite you because you bombed civilians and napalmed kids. Go fuck yourself you goddamned war criminal.

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To be honest, I’m shocked Biden hasn’t done it. I also wouldn’t bet that Kissinger will remain uninvited for the remainder of the term.

Republican North Carolina State Representative Ben Moss has introduced a new bill, H.B. 1049, that would ban free public electric vehicle chargers, unless free gas and diesel pump alternatives are also made available in the same space. If a town, county, or even the state’s department of transportation has any free public EV chargers on land owned or leased by the state, and doesn’t also add free gas and diesel pumps, the charger will be removed. The bill allocates $50,000 for the 2022-2023 fiscal year for the removal of any EV charging stations not in compliance.

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“Are you butthurt and want to own the libs? Well here’s the bill for you!”

I’m sure that bill has contingences to remove existing petroleum gas stations that don’t offer EV chargers


Just put a meter on each charger that charges a nickel per hour of charging. Compliance!

free market!!!

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will travel to the U.S. in August to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Texas, the Daily Caller has learned.

How many CPACs are there?

As many as it takes to crush democracy.


It’d be funny if he was speaking at the Castle Point Anime Convention.

Tschida made his comment in an email to dozens of lawmakers in response to a member of the public from Columbia Falls who voiced opposition to abortion restrictions in Montana.

“The womb is the only organ in a woman’s body that serves no specific purpose to her life or well-being,” Tschida said. “It is truly a sanctuary.”

or SUPER into women in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle


One of the best parts of Lauren’s account of the Jayson Boebert arrest is that one of the purposes of the night out was for him to bond with her stepdad.

Sure he got arrested for exposing himself to two teenage girls, but I’m guessing he said “sir” in every sentence and only referred to Lauren as “your daughter”. Very impressive young man! Rare these days.