GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Democracy Dies in Darkness.

Not my picture, but I saw this same sign in the wild yesterday about a half mile from my house.

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They must be eager to reappropriate their property to the indigenous people who originally inhabited that land and promptly move back to the country their ancestors came from.


Yes, every native should be screaming “go back home” at every opportunity.

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those indigenous people are probably gone though

you didn’t think about that did you


I did a double take on this one when I saw it earlier. How is this real life?

We must be in an ins0 fever dream or something.

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Cops are just like eh this is fine

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They just came to say what’s up to their off-duty friends.


God help me, I’m rooting for Liz Cheney:


No dem is winning so they should cross over in tbe primary and if not stage a write-in for the general.

Well, what choice is there?

How does this primary work exactly? If the others are fighting over the MAGA dipshit vote, and she is the only option for the saner ones, I think a plurality might be possible. Does that get her the nomination?

Pick the guy who is willing to get to the bottom of what all the big internets are doing, IMO.

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I’m rooting for the woman whose only sentence she managed to put together was name dropping Mike Lindell. I want the GOP representation in Congress to consist entirely of mouth breathers who are barely able to tie their shoes, nevermind govern.

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It’s sobering that a state producing this field for its lone representative elects not one but two senators.


As expected, here they come for schools.

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Ducey’s been hacking away his whole term.

Christ that sounds bad