GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.




Tim Heidecker vibes all the way through.

His issues page might be even better.

ā€œOur next governor must have the fortitude to stand on the US Constitutionā€

ā€œI am not a prejudiced person, Iā€™m married to a Hispanicā€

Glad to know Hispanic Wife Guys are a thing too.

ā€œI havenā€™t been on a stage with this many women since a baby shower.ā€

Moderator ā€œIā€™m not sure how thatā€™s going to go over, Scott, but weā€™ll let it hang.ā€

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This is absolutely amazing. If you skipped over it, go back and watch.

ā€œYour campaign is a psy opā€
ā€œIā€™m pro life. It should be a personal decision.ā€
ā€œWhy canā€™t we treat human life like we do alien lifeā€
ā€œ200k ballots were trafficked by mules.ā€

Just utter insanity.


ā€œI think itā€™s a very serious mistake and the result will be that, within a decade, Arizona will have a very, very poorly educated adult population,ā€ added Carol Corbett Burris, executive director of the Network for Public Education. ā€œMaybe thatā€™s the game.ā€

Based on that debate, this has already happened.


There is some farmer yahoo guy who has property that borders I-70 not far outside Baltimore city. His property is in Montgomery County Maryland and depending on how many acres he owns it is worth tens to hundreds of millions.

The guy makes signs of the most inflammatory own the libs crap he can think of and then hoists it high with some kind of farm equipment so everyone on the highway can see it.

The most recent sign had something to do with 2000 mules. I had no idea what it was trying to convey. This mules thing is far down the rabbit hole and this guy doesnā€™t even release 90% of the people who read his sign have no idea what it means.

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You know the libs are terrified when they pretend to not be aware of Dinesh Dā€™Souzaā€™s newest film.

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Good fucking God

Apparently Garrison is doing product placement now. And NFTs are involved of course.


Ngl at first I thought ā€œCarpe Donktumā€ was Matt Yglesias.


This state lmao. Not only did they accidentally legalize edibles, they qualified it as food, meaning anyone can sell it anywhere and thereā€™s no limits on buying it. Not only that, they didnā€™t put normal sin tax stuff on it, tax free. :+1:


Get those Minnesota Dems who tricked their Republican counterparts into Congress ASAP, letā€™s go, they know how to play the game.


The labels arenā€™t even helping me, Ben.


Truly horrifying. So glad this is coming soon to my home state:

4.2m of additional taxpayer money is going to a grifter who promises to make your kids racist.

If your parents enroll you in a Turning Point Academy you never had a chance at being anything other than utter garbage.


Thereā€™s a high likelihood of that yes. Iā€™m working diligently to get out of here and never talk to most of my family again, because I donā€™t want them around my kid.

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I am pretty extremely online and havenā€™t heard of any of them either. maybe carpe donktum, maybe?

anyway the funniest part of these dumb deplorable memes is how they always think radical leftists are addicted to CNN.

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