GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

What does that even mean?

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It means if a woman gets pregnant it’s her own damn fault.


I don’t know either, but it sounds like she thinks that if a woman doesn’t allow it, then abortion should be on the table.

Of course not. If it’s legitimate rape, her body has a way of shutting the whole thing down.


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You’re right. I had forgotten about that. I blame the educational system. If it involved less indoctrination with CRT, I’m sure I’d have picked that up.

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The ex-mayor, calling into the Curtis Sliwa Show on 77 WABC talk radio, said the slap felt like “somebody shot me,” and, “Luckily, I”m a 78-year-old who is in pretty good shape.

“If I wasn’t, I would have hit the ground and probably cracked my skull.”

The former federal prosecutor told The Post he felt it was his duty to call the cops — likening the decision to his tough-on-crime policies as mayor.

“I say to myself, ‘You know something? I gotta get this guy arrested,’ ” he said. “I talk about ‘broken windows’ theory all the time. You can’t let the little things go.

His son, gubernatorial candidate Andrew Giuliani, called his dad “tough as nails.

“He’s doing fine,” Andrew said. “But it’s a sad day when New Yorkers’ greatest crime fighter, ‘America’s Mayor,’ is attacked. I blame the left-wing for encouraging violence. This is crazy.”

He said his father was in good spirits and even quipped that ” ‘I ran into the only person who is not voting for Andrew Giuliani.’

Can’t wait for the video to leak and show that it was a pat on the back.

Annnd I keep scrolling and holy fucking shit what a fucking baby lmao


Gee, really?

Same guy who suggested “trial by combat” at the rally on the Ellipse.

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Welp my lawnmower is now orbiting Mars.

Time to dust off some Golden Oldies:

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Looks like when he was in the room with who he thought was a 15 yr old minor he was pounding harder on the little crypt keeper than he was hit by the employee.

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Man, totally forgot about this. This was like in 2003, right? Seems so long ago.

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That was 2020.

Very crude response warning


Swallow, b….!


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