GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Yeah thata a good question. I would bet on legislature makeup


Nevada Arizona Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania Virginia Maine Maryland and either NH or VT?

Vermont is one of the most solidly blue states in the country, with an HDI equivalent to Denmark.

I get them confused. It’s New Hampshire that is home to the Sununu clan?

Yes. NH is the tax-dodging, live-free-or-die state full of casual libertarians. VT is full of stoners playing hacky sack.


Oregon has a stand your ground law I think

Devil is in the details. I think it’s possible to have reasonable SYG law. Most of them are insane, though. Is Oregon’s?

I’ll have to look it up later. I was under the impression it’s a rather old law

This guy is a mortal lock to win the GOP seat now.

Nah, he’s a RINO. And by that, I mean he made a public statement saying he wasn’t going to run for office this fall then deleted his social media.



Slapped on the back. What a bunch of crybabies.

Rudy is in Staten Island? Must be priced out of the Manhattan hooker market

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Lol the video!


Neymar called and said that’s an overreaction.


Hahahahahahaha wow wtf :joy:

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Gotta love how the guy who committed treason is getting others arrested instead of getting arrested himself.


An author who hears his book is going to be banned from Rapids City and he goes to investigate. He finds the Heritage Foundation funded a bunch of religious nutjobs to take over the school board, ban books, start putting prayers in everything, and run off teachers who protest

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USA #1