GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Not even close.

…I wonder if his kids will be known as the “Cannonettes”.

Maybe Herschel Walker isn’t for fewer kids with absentee fathers, just fewer absentee fathers. He’s trying to do his part to move the ratio.

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Damn, Jesus was ripped.

I like to imagine the tattoo on his right forearm says HANNITY.


Not enough guns

Maybe he’s a Mormon? Still doesn’t explain why Jesus is a ginger.

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Aren’t Mormons vehemently against tattoos?

You sold me, he’s just stupid

Well, that sounds exactly like the kind of stuff most Youngkin voters wanted. And more of them showed up. Looks like Republicans actually deliver.

One can never accuse them of not actively pushing their agenda when they are in the minority, err majority.

Tying racism to anything is so triggering to these people. Savvy Dems (and staff) need to develop something similar to dog whistle language to talk about these problems in ways that don’t trigger the reactionaries. I don’t know if it’s possible, but it seems like it should be.

amex is the only reason delta didn’t get liquidated a few years ago, sky clubs are essentially delta-branded Amex lounges.

This is horrifying

Maybe it would help if he issued another statement about how he’s REALLY REALY done talking about gun control.

LOL dude’s gonna get primaried for outsmarting and owning the libs because he pretended to consider gun control for like a day. They’re gonna nominate like, Allen West, or something. He’s probably more towards the sane end of the range of potential candidates.

This is my local school district

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The country’s largest Confederate memorial is owned and maintained by… the state of Georgia!

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Ronny Jackson imo.